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Game #105007, Reported by BlinkY


[Chelsea`eS] I won my 1st clanner for eS so now ill be 100% easier
1st and last??? XDd

seems so xD

Chelsea eS stats: eS (-216: 1-9) (10% Winning Ratio)

Don't be unfair, Chelsea is very good the most times and it wasn't only his fault.

This stats r lying a lot anyway because when a clanner is lost because the clanmate made too many fails you still get the bad stats, too (and sometimes it is like impossible to win if the clanmate makes too many fails). U can play like perfect in that clanner, but u get bad stats although it wasn't ur fault ... So don't look at statistiks like that. If u want to know whos good and who not look at the singlestats, only say r close to the true ^^.

But to the game, I still can't believe that this doublekill worked! It was one of my best shots ever, this game really deserves to be watched :P

If you only want to see why I jumped mentally through the room: Playback at... 22:41


; DENnis

dP thanks lol

U talk about Chelsea and nobody watched my doublekill-victoryshot? - Aw  :'(

 :D Well good to see some people who still want to clanner and who r looking for more activity :P


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