Leagues > Leagues

Game #106392, Reported by DENnis


this scheme has nothing to do with Mine Madness / BnA, it,s s big bow and arrows - strange scheme Dx

The problem was that I didn't have the classic bna scheme and tus doesnt have all free league schemes added, so I used what I found in my schemelist and we agreed only use the right weapons. Was a lot of fun to play with darkmaul! Very friendly guy and there were no problem to say there are more weapons but don't use them :D
At first game he had bad luck placement and stuck with his last worm between clumsy pixels from a flag so we changed it from bo1 to bo3 =)

 :) scheme just completely different блаа  :D
only I note nothing else  :)

ya, it is my funscheme from a long time ago, because standard bna is much too boring and long for funners (on big maps with sides).


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