Leagues > Leagues

Game #106996, Reported by barman

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Komo, you have been saying for a week how you n mad have to play cuz mm are notchers and yadda yadda.. Then you act schocked and appauld...

And anyway, i wasnt kidding.. but I am surprisdd they won that easily...

Im kinda dissapointed you quit, and im sure your clan is too..

O well, gl in the rest of po


--- Quote from: avirex on April 16, 2012, 01:06 AM ---Komo, you have been saying for a week how you n mad have to play cuz mm are notchers and yadda yadda.. Then you act schocked and appauld...

And anyway, i wasnt kidding.. but I am surprisdd they won that easily...

Im kinda dissapointed you quit, and im sure your clan is too..

O well, gl in the rest of po

--- End quote ---

I told daina and artic I quit because I knew we had no chance especially after madog hit himself, and they will just repeat, there was nothing we could do because we underestimated how they would play, and basically didn't want to waste time, they understand this, I didn't do anything horribly wrong, neither did mm, it is what it is and we all done what we done, again, no harm done, but please don't say they won easy because they didn't, that would imply we were trying, they won fast.

I dont want to turn this into a big arguement, but i remember how pissed you got when me and shy quit a bng during the po game that cfc gang raped just the two of us... But we actually had a good reason..  We did not want to let cfcs other members warm up while we continued with a game we had no chance winning.. You were very mad though, so this match was interesting to see...

Anyway, i would say fast komo yes... And easy.. (im not implying if u did or did not try)

Gl with the rest of the pos

Yes, you are right avi I apologise for that, you had good reason to quit that game.


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