Leagues > Leagues

Game #110480, Reported by Dub-c

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lol, never letting shy play hysteria in my host again
statik played btw, not me Xd

hey man, if you have a problem with the way I do business around here, you can find a new dealer. But remember what i've accomplished around here: I've kept the rivals at bay, little violence, I've got the entire town quarantined with my men who follow your demands, and you get favors from me whenever you need a case solved.  I'm your eyes and ears on these streets.  YOU need me.  You and your boys can't run this town on your own.  If you take me out, where does the fear go? It goes away and the competition will come out of the woodwork to undermine everything you and I have done here.  Now you've trusted me before, but can you trust the gang that runs the mini-mart on the corner of Walnut and Main?  They've got their own agenda; they don't give a SHIT if you have a badge, get what I'm saying?  We control the city right now, do you want that power to slip away into the hands of a bunch of lemonpinchers with spray-paint cans? No, I don't think any of us want that.  You've got enough on your plate as it is, being a higher up in the district court these days, taking care of 4 children, being a good husband... Naw, that's the last thing you want.  So keep your mouth shut, keep the payments coming to me and my boys, and you'll be able to take all the credit you want for how clean you've made the city

So, if we take out Shy, it's a free country? xD

Shy, seriously, you should be a film writer/director, after reading the 1st sentence, I went back to the start and read it inside my mind with a sorta western Duke Nukem voice, but not as cartoon like, bit more detective like, that was awesome thanks xD

that's precisely what I want to do as a career, so great :)

gahahahha shy owns.. i love reading his stuff... 

someday shy will make millions, and be my sugar daddy ;D


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