Leagues > Leagues

Game #110517, Reported by RaChACuCa


UiS`JaGo is quitting
[00:12:45.98] *** UiS`JaGo is disconnecting due to quitting
[00:12:45.98] *** UiS`JaGo disconnected due to quitting
[00:12:45.98] *** Fender'Boy (UiS`JaGo) forced out by disconnection due to quitting
[00:12:45.98] ••• Fender'Boy (UiS`JaGo) ends turn; time used: 13.46 sec turn, 0.00 sec retreat
[00:12:55.74] ••• Game Ends - User Quit with Alt+F4

lol man quitter game!! lol


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