Leagues > Leagues

Game #11176, Reported by laukotomi

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He told me: "I can't rope then report your win in ttrr"

OrbMastah is giving lot of, and I mean lots of free wins.

kinda, evryday there are a pack of free wins..

Yea, I'm thinking if we hadn't free win, Then wouldn't laukotomi report the game with a fake replay?

when some one refuse play any pick it should be freewin.. if u had that or not, i guess we have that righ..
but here, and now this just look banal.
so if some one dnt play (ttrr, shopper, or w/e) he should say that when he ask for tus/or some one ask!
then he say that he only play x,y,z schemes, then is up to the other guy according or not1
evryone should say at start! and im sure if evryone do this, there will be less 90% of free win.
Am I right or not, what u think MI?


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