Leagues > Leagues

Game #111956, Reported by Statik

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--- Quote from: franz on July 25, 2012, 02:36 AM ---
--- Quote from: barman on May 29, 2012, 05:21 PM ---Yea, won't prevent us from reaching this limit in like 2 weeks anyway :d

--- End quote ---

and now?

you still have 10 out of 15 to play with each other after 8 weeks.  think you overestimated your plan vs the evil 15 game limit ^^

--- End quote ---
I got a bit bored of TRL after I was not able to find any opponent in the first 10 or so days of the season. Other that that, Statik is not as active as he used to be (or not active at all).

This doesn't change the fact that we would have exhausted the 15 games limit if we had played all the rounds of our all 5 games as bo1 (first 2 games were bo1, then 2 times bo5, then bo9 - every time we ended up playing a tiebreak - that's 21 rounds in total)


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