Leagues > Leagues

Game #112792, Reported by daiNa



Tsk tsk daina, what's wrong? You can't even beat lalo no more? xD

uhm f. off guys
ive been kinda busy so i go online at night and play a couple games and those are the ones i find  not like i have to explain myself to someone like lalo anyway

and yeah komo u should ask him xD

lol, it's true though, tough to find games sometimes late night 24+ gmt

daina once I finish the Album I am working on i'll try and get more active to play some clanners :)

Hmm, I didn't realise there were more than 24 hours in a day franz xD But yah, it's true lol, so hard to find games that time.

Oh yeah, and sorry I overslept lol, ended up sleeping for 7-8 hours instead of 3-4 sorry lol.


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