Leagues > Leagues

Game #126860, reported by EusKaDi

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Are you waiting for me? Load the bad map into the editor and add it to the original map. :P

not MI, I  not waiting for you to, but this is the same map, just, I completely finished when I added red to my nickname, so finally, just a small difference color, no need to add also.
the final version is sufficient.
Thank you anyway MI.

It seems you haven't got the concept of merging maps together.

Since you don't want the last map to be available for download or exist, you "add" that map to the original one, the one with the red signature. So that TUS system consider that map the same as the red one. I'm not sure you understand this when this goes into google translator :)

Shhh MI is too mean !
In case you don't there are always other frenchies :p
Vu que tu ne veux pas que la carte soit disponible pour le téléchargement ou existe, tu "rajoutes" cette carte à l'original, celle qui a la signature rouge. Donc le systeme tus considerera que la carte est la même que la rouge.
J'avais dit que je traduisais j'ai pas dit sans faute d'ortho ;)

ok, j'ai jumelé cette carte avec celle a l'ecriture rouge


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