Game #129569, Viewed 355 Time(s)

Classic #29
November 06, 2012, 10:17 PM
United Kingdom bOr sm ea
Veteran 1916 in Elite before the game. Gained 54|16 points
Iran dP REM NfBX
Novice 1341 in Elite before the game. Lost 8|16 points

Information Game scheme: Elite
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 69 time(s).
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Game Map(s)

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1920 x 696, BIT, 3.98 KB, Downloaded 8 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[NAibOr] h to the izo
[dPxMonkeyIsland] hf
[dPxMonkeyIsland] huh?
[NAibOr] h to the izo
[NAibOr] jay z says something like it
[NAibOr] !!!
[NAibOr] f@#!
[NAibOr] f@#!
[NAibOr] uff
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lmao
[NAibOr] wow i suck
[dPxMonkeyIsland] amazing game
[NAibOr] lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] lol
[NAibOr] hi
[dPxMonkeyIsland] LMAOP
[NAibOr] WOW
[NAibOr] LOL
[dPxMonkeyIsland] thanks for bug
[NAibOr] yeh.....
[NAibOr] lol
[NAibOr] wow
[dPxMonkeyIsland] gg lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] I should really sleep
[NAibOr] gg...
[NAibOr] lol
[dPxMonkeyIsland] game was mine
[NAibOr] ggs man
[NAibOr] yeh
[dPxMonkeyIsland] no!
[NAibOr] bb!!!

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