May 13, 2024, 05:54 PM

Game #147769, Viewed 320 Time(s)

Classic #32
May 30, 2013, 09:42 PM
Absolute Beginner 970 in Roper before the game. Gained 50|50 points
Inexperienced 1198 in Roper before the game. Lost 45|50 points

Game Rate
5 / 5
Total Members Voted: 3
Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
1 - 1
1 - 1
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 148 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

franzroper08 by franz
1920 x 696, BIT, 2.91 KB, Downloaded 9214 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[KinslayeR`dP] Gl&Hf
[jot`CAT] hf&gl
CAT`Chelsea..fS`Pr1nCe2013`: wanna play with us after clanner with dp ?
<<Csongi-dP>> rofl.
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] idk cay maybe going to insult some persons
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xd
[jot`CAT] nah, after our clanner man xD
[jot`CAT] then you can insult some ppl xd
[jot`CAT] btw. what did you pick fs?
[KinslayeR`dP] gj
<<Csongi-dP>> k
[Csongi-dP] t
[fS`Francis] go!
[fS`Francis] you can
[fS`Francis] noo
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] f@#!er box
[CAT`Chelsea] bl
fS`Francis..fS`Pr1nCe2013`: hide left or right
fS`Francis..fS`Pr1nCe2013`: never middle
[Csongi-dP] n
[KinslayeR`dP] t
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] dp choose dp ?
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] roper *
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] lo
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] l
[Csongi-dP] yes,who else ?
[KinslayeR`dP] yes it is roper ;p
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] i mean who ?
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xd
[CAT`Chelsea] dp
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] thnx for Advice T_T
<<Csongi-dP>> attack 220
[CAT`Chelsea] dP picked roper
<<Csongi-dP>> nvm ;d
fS`Francis..fS`Pr1nCe2013`: can I kill you?
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] Roper f@#!er scheme in my life
fS`Francis..fS`Pr1nCe2013`: and then 1 vs 2
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] if juubi here T_T
<<Csongi-dP>> knock him at least :D :D
fS`Francis..fS`Pr1nCe2013`: kill yourself
fS`Francis..fS`Pr1nCe2013`: attacking
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] haha
[fS`Francis] ????
[fS`Francis] wtf
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xd
[fS`Francis] omg
[KinslayeR`dP] oO
[Csongi-dP] lol
[fS`Francis] nk ?
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] lol
[Csongi-dP] nd
[fS`Francis] lol
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gj
[KinslayeR`dP] gj ;p
[jot`CAT] gj
[fS`Francis] ty
[KinslayeR`dP] gj
[KinslayeR`dP] xd
fS`Francis..fS`Pr1nCe2013`: ok
<<Csongi-dP>> t
[fS`Francis] kill yourself
[fS`Francis] lol
[KinslayeR`dP] yeah killing noob is gj ;p
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gg
[jot`CAT] gg
[KinslayeR`dP] gg
[fS`Francis] gg
[fS`Francis] nt
[KinslayeR`dP] nk
[fS`Francis] ty
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] wwow
[KinslayeR`dP] uu
[KinslayeR`dP] close
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] shadow
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xd
[KinslayeR`dP] shadow maker
[CAT`Chelsea] ghost nade
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] nk
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] wtf box
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] :O
[KinslayeR`dP] uf box
[CAT`Chelsea] crate not box man xD
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] box f@#!er
[Csongi-dP] same thing
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] heghe
[KinslayeR`dP] bl crate 2
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] lol
[KinslayeR`dP] xd
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] nt
[CAT`Chelsea] ns
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] n
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xd
[fS`Francis] t xd
[KinslayeR`dP] gs
<<Csongi-dP>> fd
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] box
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] good
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xd
[Csongi-dP] what's so hard about that ?
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] i see it hard cuz i hate roper
[KinslayeR`dP] knock me!
[KinslayeR`dP] i wanna be knocked in my live
[KinslayeR`dP] vn
[jot`CAT] n
[fS`Francis] grrr
[Csongi-dP] t
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] i will be knock my self
<<Csongi-dP>> t
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] good box
[KinslayeR`dP] maybe i sohuld hide with u
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gj
[CAT`Chelsea] gj
[fS`Francis] ty
[CAT`Chelsea] lol obly 45 ?
[CAT`Chelsea] only*
[fS`Francis] aw
[fS`Francis] i think i will lose
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] nk
[KinslayeR`dP] uf
[KinslayeR`dP] 47
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] omg
[fS`Francis] fall pls?
[fS`Francis] ty
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] plz fail
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] xd
[CAT`Chelsea] xDD
[fS`Francis] good dog
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] lol
[KinslayeR`dP] f@#!ing start
[fS`Francis] awww
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] kill him and gg
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] :S
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] damn
[fS`Francis] bad hide
[KinslayeR`dP] gg.
[jot`CAT] gg
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gg
[CAT`Chelsea] finnish him 1
[KinslayeR`dP] hm
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] plz box
[Csongi-dP] lol...
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] plz
[Csongi-dP] gg
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[KinslayeR`dP] gg
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gg
[jot`CAT] gg
[Csongi-dP] cu
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] gj
[fS`Pr1nCe2013`] cya

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