Leagues > Leagues

Game #151894, reported by Devilage

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Cowed, he didn't follow the rules, he insulted us pretty bad! calling us names, I rly feel offended, please do something with his behaviour.

No blocking. if you block and your opponent doesn't attack you must ONLY collect your crate on the next turn, if your opponent is still able to attack you then you have a 5sec penalty at the beginning of your turn but your allowed to attack.

This rule he failed.

You're such a tool dev, I feel no one should have to deal with your childish behaviour/attitude, you try to do WHATEVER it takes no matter if it involves cheating or playing unfair to win.

It took him 3s to make his escape out of the hide, which may I add YOU were also blocking the escape.

I waited till 12s before I started my turn, which is the same disadvantage that you guys had.

ALSO the block was unintentional and was caused from the first turns shot.

OFC I have read the rules, but every other clan out there see's this as a fair solution. it seems these guys are just stirring shit for the sake of stirring shit.

the reason I was cussing at you guys is because this is like the 30th thing thatss been in complaints either BY you or ABOUT you and every time its something stupid that you've created.

get a life.

Devilage, im willing to bet you are involved in more complaints then any other wormer.

Deejay, you did block in your first turn teleport, and in the case if the opponent does not attack regardless if you think it was because of the crate or not, you also need to skip an attack (you can however get crate)

but, this was not the case... the block was not due to teleporting, or hiding, it was due to an attack, okei made a great turn to make sure the "block" was eliminated....

if after okei's shot, deej was the only one blocking, then i would think its fair that you should still have to skip... but both deejay, and devilage worms were blocking Hush, it was a great play by okei, vgj... okei is the man!

Devilage, maybe its time YOU read the rules, instead of insisting everyone else does, if you have a dispute in a game, you politely ask your opponent what to do, or what not to do.... if he refuses, you then finish the game out, and at the end you file a complaint (which in this case you would have lost the complaint)

because devilage quit, this win belongs to iNF... im not mod, its just common sense... your a problem child, devilage... time to grow up.


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