Leagues > Leagues

Game #161521, reported by Chelsea

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Chelsea admits to having a paper ruler for kami, in this game

is that cheating?...

lets prosecute him

am using my hand to know the distance, just making like this :

i think its same thing and what ...... am da cheater  :)?

huhu i think using ur hand is ok =) u would be able to use it on lan game, while u wouldnt be able to take any foreign paper stuff with u

thats reasonably Kory, am agree with u here.

Avi, you cant forbid something you cant prove it. How mods can judge it?

Imo, everybody can do that, its just a fairplay question without an end. It would be weird using it in a lan game, for sure. But at home you cant prove anybody right or wrong.

And asking chelsea things about sportmanship means going nowhere. He prolly would take 100 freewins in a row just to have gold in season 40-140.


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