Leagues > Leagues

Game #162536, reported by Random00

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Random00 has won the last 47 (!) TUS Elite's he has played... Can you make it 50, or am I jinxing it? :D The last person to beat him was Peja, and thats half a year ago :o Thanks for making it easy to vote for the best eliter award random, you had me at hello. I mean at EAC

Crazy is such a nice person, making compliments here and there :D

To set the top 3 in Elite just check EAC. That cant be so wrong.  ;D


--- Quote from: SPW on January 31, 2014, 06:13 AM ---To set the top 3 in Elite just check EAC. That cant be so wrong.  ;D

--- End quote ---
always wanted to ask why does homepage of eac site have old standings on it? its pretty weird imo ;o

also why do you play in #pt, cos bungee knocking was always allowed in elite right? current tus elite description says only rope knocks are banned and wkb says knocking rule doesnt include bungee as well
ty :)

btw vnj random00 8)

You just see the latest news post there. To see the 2013 ranking, click on "standings". By scrolling down you also can check previous championships.

We are playing at #pt because of knocks in generally. Rope and also bungee knocks arent allowed at Elite since many many years. At #pt its also possible to slide/pile thru a worm by using ropes which isnt possible at #ag without moving opponents worm.


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