Leagues > Leagues

Game #163931, reported by Csongi


Wrong Replay Csongi.

SPW won in this one.


I've attached the right one.

Casso, how many gigabytes of tus elites do you have on your computer? :D Why you never play yourself? :/

Replay is fixed. Thanks.


--- Quote from: Crazy on February 16, 2014, 07:14 PM ---Casso, how many gigabytes of tus elites do you have on your computer? :D Why you never play yourself? :/

--- End quote ---

I just noticed that only last year I downloaded about 2500 tus replays. About 95% of them are Elite games xD
I love watching these replays because they teach many tactics and probably because I can't play WA and this is the only thing I have left of worms.

I can't play because I'm almost always at the university and I can't play because the connection is slow and above all because of the numerous breaks that would prevent me from finishing any game. I also don't like playing when I'm rusty. That's it :)


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