Leagues > Leagues

Game #180386, reported by Korydex


[2014-11-13 16.21.57] [NiCol3x-] so lets play i have 3 and you 4.
[2014-11-13 16.22.13] [che`Korydex] same place?
[2014-11-13 16.22.24] [NiCol3x-] ye.
[2014-11-13 16.22.27] [che`Korydex] ok 3 vs 4 and same place

nico accidentally plopped his worm on the first placing. when the rest of worms was placed he surrendered (he thought that we would play rm, but i didnt agree). then i agreed on rm with 3 and 4 worms. but he didnt kill one of his worms. i even agreed to try it again, maybe there was a missunderstanding. the same as last time happened. i just quitted and reported this game

edit: prolly i shoulda given him 3 worms from start, didnt think about that


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