Leagues > Leagues

Game #184377, reported by pizzasheet


- 74 points

First Loss in 15 matches...

mehhh... Maybe I must retire...  and be less n00bish...


--- Quote from: Zalo on January 24, 2015, 12:50 PM ---- 74 points

First Loss in 15 matches...

mehhh... Maybe I must retire...  and be less n00bish...

--- End quote ---

yeah that'd be gr8 m8

and stop voting 0 everything you don't like, it's patethic


--- Quote ---and stop voting 0 everything you don't like, it's patethic
--- End quote ---

I was instantly given 3 votes with 5/5 once the replay was uploaded, isn't this even more pathetic?


--- Quote from: Zalo on January 24, 2015, 03:51 PM ---
--- Quote ---and stop voting 0 everything you don't like, it's patethic
--- End quote ---

I was instantly given 3 votes with 5/5 once the replay was uploaded, isn't this even more pathetic?

--- End quote ---

nope, it's just karma.


Go pizza  go!!!   My aboriginal favorite!!!!


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