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Game #189878, Viewed 616 Time(s)

Classic #44
May 01, 2015, 04:22 PM

Reasonable 1563 in Roper before the game. Gained 54|28 points

Novice 1300 in Roper before the game. Lost 22|20 points

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Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
3 - 0
6 - 1
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, BIT, 3.21 KB, Downloaded 9,373 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[TdC`Antho] hf
[AbC`dtita] isso é trl?
[nIiNja] tus
[TdC`Antho] es tus
[AbC`dtita] massa
[nIiNja] ebaa
[nIiNja] lol
[AbC`dtita] xD
[nIiNja] fudeo
[AbC`dtita] q chapado
[AbC`dtita] nada
[AbC`dtita] viu
[nIiNja] sorte
[AbC`dtita] tem pior xD
[nIiNja] aieuieas
[AbC`dtita] xDD
[nIiNja] porra
[AbC`dtita] eitcha
[AbC`dtita] kkkk
[AbC`dtita] zidanne crates
[AbC`dtita] vishh
[AbC`dtita] kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
[nIiNja] aff
[TdC`Antho] not your day ninja xD
[TdC`Antho] is like my bat in wxw :p
[AbC`dtita] Xd
[nIiNja] ye
[nIiNja] fopda
[AbC`dtita] fica n0 t0p0
[AbC`dtita] xD
[nIiNja] pra acaba mais rapido? xD
[AbC`dtita] p vc pegar a caixa kkkk
[nIiNja] só se for kkk
[nIiNja] ups
[TdC`Antho] --'
[AbC`dtita] eu achei sex
[nIiNja] aff
[TdC`Antho] xD
[AbC`dtita] vish
[nIiNja] eaiuaeis
[nIiNja] dessa vez eu n vo culpar a cr8 xD
[AbC`dtita] sim
[nIiNja] q nhaca
[AbC`dtita] vc n ta fazend0 cert0 c0m a c0rda
[nIiNja] n
[AbC`dtita] era p prgrar ela na 1 vz pra la >>>>
[AbC`dtita] p vc p0r a mina
[AbC`dtita] vc p0s virado para la <<<
[nIiNja] devia amarrar no pescoco e suicidar a worm dele
[AbC`dtita] xD
[AbC`dtita] lll
[nIiNja] ele vai ldexa em cima aora
[nIiNja] safadao
[nIiNja] so ndexo pq erro
[nIiNja] xD
[nIiNja] pelo menos 1 pra ele
[AbC`dtita] é
[nIiNja] sem comentarios
[TdC`Antho] omg
[nIiNja] uff xD
[AbC`dtita] 51
[AbC`dtita] aw
[nIiNja] boa idea
[TdC`Antho] no it's nade xD
[AbC`dtita] :D
[NiCo`l3x] who wanna tus vs me after that?
[NiCo`l3x] :(
[AbC`dtita] could be
[TdC`Antho] 2V2 ? :p
[AbC`dtita] nico wanted easy points
[AbC`dtita] xD
[NiCo`l3x] haha why?
[AbC`dtita] xD
[AbC`dtita] nothing
[TdC`Antho] bahh
[nIiNja] tut
[AbC`dtita] vishh
[AbC`dtita] vc pode
[AbC`dtita] ele ta cagando
[AbC`dtita] empatou
[nIiNja] ainda n
[AbC`dtita] bem dizewr ja ta
[AbC`dtita] ele ta se cagando
[nIiNja] aim
[TdC`Antho] omg
[nIiNja] xD
[AbC`dtita] xD
[AbC`dtita] god is from brazil
[TdC`Antho] how lose advantage xd
[AbC`dtita] wtffff
[AbC`dtita] ninja uaheuheuhea
[nIiNja] aieuieaus
[nIiNja] um pior q o outro
[AbC`dtita] ta ruim heim
[nIiNja] se tivesse ruim tava bom kkk
[AbC`dtita] aha m]
[AbC`dtita] lol
[TdC`Antho] relaly
[AbC`dtita] noob competion
[nIiNja] xD
[nIiNja] aieuieas
[AbC`dtita] xDDDDDDD
[NiCo`l3x] xD
[NiCo`l3x] tita
[AbC`dtita] oi nico
[NiCo`l3x] ae
[AbC`dtita] aew
[AbC`dtita] cocking = cozinhando ne?
[nIiNja] acho q sim
[AbC`dtita] é
[AbC`dtita] eu to fazendo isso agora
[AbC`dtita] um olho no feijão preto, outro no worms
[nIiNja] fejoadinaaa
[nIiNja] massa hein
[AbC`dtita] nemm
[AbC`dtita] soh feijao com cebola e pimentão verde
[nIiNja] nem eu nem ele
[AbC`dtita] e sal
[nIiNja] bom tbm
[AbC`dtita] :)
[AbC`dtita] é soh como sei fazer hehe
[AbC`dtita] vou aqui
[nIiNja] vai la
[AbC`dtita] flw gl flw nico
[NiCo`l3x] xDD
[TdC`Antho] ^^
[nIiNja] hope no one watch this match xD
[TdC`Antho] yeah xD
[TdC`Antho] it's weird because the first pick was awsome game xD
[TdC`Antho] awsome and worst xD
[nIiNja] haha yeah
[NiCo`l3x] no problem guyz
[NiCo`l3x] i keep the secret
[NiCo`l3x] xD
[TdC`Antho] '' i just talk about it with some chilean :p''
[nIiNja] oh no
[NiCo`l3x] who?
[nIiNja] we'll have to kill u nico
[NiCo`l3x] XD!
[nIiNja] make sure u wont tell xD
[TdC`Antho] you nico xD
[NiCo`l3x] i want to talk this with all chileans
[NiCo`l3x] xD
[NiCo`l3x] antho
[NiCo`l3x] how long time you play wa?
[TdC`Antho] Good question xD
[TdC`Antho] so much ^^
[TdC`Antho] i think 6 years
[TdC`Antho] with many break ;)
[NiCo`l3x] haha
[NiCo`l3x] but you always used antho like nickname?
[TdC`Antho] why ? ^^
[TdC`Antho] Antho and tony
[TdC`Antho] i release i could finish game 15 min ago..
[TdC`Antho] realrezkrdijg,r
[TdC`Antho] efmpezjgiosihjnfgez^p
[nIiNja] aw
[TdC`Antho] f@#! xD
[TdC`Antho] i hate bip
[TdC`Antho] lol
[nIiNja] xD
[TdC`Antho] ok this game you'll forget all your life xD
[nIiNja] damnit
[nIiNja] ye
[TdC`Antho] ok gg..
[NiCo`l3x] tony!
[NiCo`l3x] ha!
[NiCo`l3x] now I undertand all
[NiCo`l3x] haha
[NiCo`l3x] ninja dont be cheap
[TdC`Antho] understand what ? xD
[NiCo`l3x] xD
[nIiNja] xD
[NiCo`l3x] how of the nothing antho arrived playing well
[NiCo`l3x] xD
[TdC`Antho] i'm not tony map maker ;)
[TdC`Antho] he stole my name xD
[NiCo`l3x] yeah i know
[NiCo`l3x] ninja lets tus?
[nIiNja] nop
[nIiNja] :)
[NiCo`l3x] tnoy / antho?
[NiCo`l3x] tony
[TdC`Antho] i was Fni did you know this clan ?
[NiCo`l3x] nope
[NiCo`l3x] :(
[TdC`Antho] lol
[TdC`Antho] ftm tourney ?
[nIiNja] i know
[NiCo`l3x] nop
[NiCo`l3x] :(