Leagues > Leagues

Game #197691, reported by Ray


I personally feel very bad about games like this. I know that this is a league, people are playing for points and rewards, and I do care about my overall ranking, which is sort of my legacy. But sometimes, you just want to play a nice game and this kind of behaviour and lack of sportsmanship makes that very difficult unfortunately.

It's okay to hate a scheme, I have quite a few on my assassination-list (looking at you, Hysteria), but just say it before we both pick, that's totally fine. But to call it "gay as f@#!" and then just quit thinking I'm happy with the points...

[CF-Ray`ea] Yes. This scheme likes to have homosexual relations, good point.


--- Quote from: Komito on September 05, 2015, 10:39 PM ---[CF-Ray`ea] Yes. This scheme likes to have homosexual relations, good point.

--- End quote ---
Well what do you say to that, really? :D

And of all the schemes to call gay, Elite...

I don't enjoy playing Elite, I really enjoy watching my clan mates play it and I respect it very much, this just straight up cracks me up :D

elite is boring for the most time on such maps. the first 6 turns nothing happened. furthermore its fine to surrender once you got 3 worms skunked, and all your worms being caught in a cave without any chance to attack while already down 1 rope.


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