Leagues > Leagues

Game #209332, reported by Senator

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tus stats are broken, who cares anyway? having good overall stats is bad considering you give your opponents an higher amount of season points for each won game, which makes your climb much harder.
in the end its a gimmick for people with a big ego.


--- Quote from: Peja on May 17, 2016, 11:58 AM ---tus stats are broken, who cares anyway?

--- End quote ---

if you lose practically every game, I am not surprised u try not to care

--- Quote ---considering you give your opponents an higher amount of season points for each won game, which makes your climb much harder.
--- End quote ---

then stop playing against newbies if u don't want to lose many points... Jesus... big problem you have... having earned a certain rank and playing with an increased risk is for people with balls so just leave

Chelsea, It's cute that you present T17 stats of ur clan, while you are too scared to play tus t17 yourself... it's cute  ::)


--- Quote from: Zalo on May 17, 2016, 12:53 PM ---Chelsea, It's cute that you present T17 stats of ur clan, while you are too scared to play tus t17 yourself... it's cute  ::)

--- End quote ---

Lol Im inactive xD I played  5 team17 games this season (won 4 of them)
Im so scared about t17... I won two last t17 cups and im in semi-final in current one.
+ I won TRL team17...
It's so cute  ;D

dude, you keep playing against people who barely know T17... just feel invited to a game with me


are you done editing your post for today?  :D


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