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Game #210416, reported by RIP


[l3x`RIP`tr] if i made map i just testing it 3-9 more this all

3-9 haha.. that's gold.

He can test his wxw map 20 times and play it infinite times, a decent player will touch all the walls and attack every turn. That's the difference between a top player and an average player.
Complaining about the map is just his new excuse.


--- Quote from: lalo on June 14, 2016, 12:00 AM ---He can test his wxw map 20 times and play it infinite times, a decent player will touch all the walls and attack every turn. That's the difference between a top player and an average player.
Complaining about the map is just his new excuse.

--- End quote ---
sure can. even if I am every day will to train on them I did not catch up with players like dibz by the number of times played on map by Berria xD

sensei 3-9 medium variand with every changed part of map in PS


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