Leagues > Leagues

Game #215231, reported by avirex

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Woah Dave. I know you don't like Daina's approach and attitude towards this game but there is no reason to call her like that.
Yes, she likes to be competitive and win every game she plays, I am a little bit like that too. I guess that's why we have many types of clans, some more focused on winning like cfc/boo and some more into funners. Everyone is free to make a choice and pick what kind of clan you want to be in.
Daina has a kind heart and I never see her insulting or calling names to anyone unlike me, if someone has done wrong stuff that's only me.
It's fine to disagree with how she handles her clan, but that doesnt make her a cold bitch.
We are such a small community, how about we look after each other?

Hey komo, did i ever insulted you or mistreated you in/off game? Yes, i dont think so. Also i have a long list of wormers that would disagree with you. Yes its a league and i play to win lol, as many other people here. You wanna put me with the competive players? Im fine with that but fact is I have never been a cold bitch with anyone in my clan (as you cant prove) and im a good loser aswell i take it good because i know its just a game.

Also why do you get mad at me about lalos poor choices? He is not a kid, he a is a grown up and makes his own calls, you should take your anger with him ;)

lol.. was a bit cold of you to say that komo..

you been in a clan with them for years now.. did you say anything to her?? or just behind her back??

i think dainub should give you a kick in the balls.

wow how does Komo start flame wars without even posting anything, this is sure a talent

komo holds both records...

Flame war started after most words typed in a thread.


Flame war started after least words typed in a thread.

lmfao congratz komo.


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