Leagues > Leagues

Game #215804, reported by lales

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Ah nvm lmao you guys just don't get it :D

And wow, Peja, wow lol I'm in shock :D

komo, maybe you did not read my thread???

back when you went on your bng binge in tus singles, you made a big deal about people quitting your games, and how much fun you have in bng'ss blah blah blah.. and no1 should quit your bng games.. blah blah blah blah blah...

but now that your doing it, its ok? ;D


Komo: "Quitting games is wrong? Says who? It isn't a f**king law, get over yourselves."

all that was said is you should stop quitting games, and if you must quit games (to save your valuable time) then just say gg... its polite.

then you turned this into some huge debate, the entire wnet can tell you your wrong, but you will still argue, and make up some stupid reasoning why your right... i think you need to get over yourself ;)  just sayin' 

anyway.... continue quitting games, its cool. no one cares that much.

Honestly not interested anymore.


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