April 25, 2024, 11:23 PM

Game #217599, Viewed 315 Time(s)

Free #31
March 26, 2017, 09:39 PM
Germany db dS Kf
Absolute Beginner 925 in Mine Madness/BnA before the game. Gained 48|43 points
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Absolute Beginner 1000 in Mine Madness/BnA before the game. Lost 43|43 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
3 - 0
2 - 0
15 - 3
Information Game scheme: Mine Madness/BnA
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
Watch The Game Replay(s):
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Game Map(s)

gooder map by gooder map
1920 x 696, PNG, 5.54 KB, Downloaded 765 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[UC`Hurz`dS] time for joint :)
[Vojske] hf
[Vojske] cheers
[UC`Hurz`dS] beer tastes good btw :)
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] its not like strongbeer, dark, its normal beer but strong :D
[Vojske] i dont like too much dark beer
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye
[UC`Hurz`dS] lool
[Vojske] xDd
[UC`Hurz`dS] good that i missed lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] other mine would get me :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] from your boom
[UC`Hurz`dS] wierd idea
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[Vojske] know it XD
[UC`Hurz`dS] other side :D
[Vojske] yes !
[UC`Hurz`dS] wtf am i shooting at
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] mine in the way :D
[Vojske] one kill !!!!!
[UC`Hurz`dS] grr
[Vojske] hehe
[UC`Hurz`dS] weee
[Vojske] xDD
[UC`Hurz`dS] weee
[Vojske] n1
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] ok more direct hits :D this cost me a worm again, dunno, like to shoot mines today :D
[Vojske] ah shit
[UC`Hurz`dS] :o
[UC`Hurz`dS] 9.8
[Vojske] hahah
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[Vojske] gg

[Vojske] bo3
[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[Vojske] hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] ok
[Vojske] it is bo3 or ?
[Vojske] xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] haha
[Vojske] aaw
[UC`Hurz`dS] i set bo5, we can do bo3 if no time
[UC`Hurz`dS] pistol
[UC`Hurz`dS] well or so
[UC`Hurz`dS] hm
[Vojske] yea
[Vojske] pistol
[Vojske] i forget
[Vojske] uff
[Vojske] xDD
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] rofl
[UC`Hurz`dS] what de f@#! :D
[Vojske] hahah
[UC`Hurz`dS] my eyes :o
[Vojske] aw
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] those shots were miles off rofl
[UC`Hurz`dS] shame
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw :D
[Vojske] ok
[UC`Hurz`dS] :(
[Vojske] xDD
[Vojske] nk
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] wanna get him from far :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] mg maybe?
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] hehe
[Vojske] xD
[Vojske] not bad
[Vojske] i calculeted for more 2 worms :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] ew
[UC`Hurz`dS] too strong
[Vojske] yes :S
[UC`Hurz`dS] rofl
[Vojske] hahah
[UC`Hurz`dS] pistol my ass :D
[Vojske] shit pistol
[Vojske] vn
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] almost got mine
[Vojske] too close
[Vojske] yes :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] nah
[UC`Hurz`dS] longshots arent mine today so far
[Vojske] xDDDD
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol why
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] dont know
[Vojske] soo close
[UC`Hurz`dS] grr
[UC`Hurz`dS] haha
[Vojske] hahaha
[UC`Hurz`dS] nt
[Vojske] did u see
[Vojske] 321
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye
[Vojske] lucky
[UC`Hurz`dS] really
[Vojske] nt
[Vojske] xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] you know me, usually easy shot :o
[UC`Hurz`dS] dunno, cant aim today...
[Vojske] lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] oh my
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[Vojske] gg

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