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Game #218299, reported by Csongi, Viewed 1550 Time(s)

Allround #1, Rope #1
April 25, 2017, 09:19 PM
Destroyers of Power
Absolute Beginner 940 in Roper before the game. Gained 42|42 points more
Obscure osculum
Absolute Beginner 1000 in Roper before the game. Lost 44|42 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
1 - 0
1 - 0
Information Game scheme: Roper
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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Game Chat(s)
[Oo`lales] Hf tea mate
[csongi``dEEpEE] no offence there sen, but I dont really understand his attitude..
[TdC`Senator] and we beat lales & asbest the other day ;D
[csongi``dEEpEE] I mean he is not a bad roper
[Oo`lales] 0.2 is an insult ;p
[TdC`Senator] :D
[TdC`Senator] u still remember
[Oo`lales] ALWAYS
[kins`dP] bls no insults and hf ^^
[kins`dP] rhcp win
[TdC`Senator] he just doesnt want to play rr
[TdC`Senator] like some players dont want to play bng or elite
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> nyugottan, ha nehez a crate csak vedd fel es menj vissza, megprobalok en is maximumot kihozni :D
[csongi``dEEpEE] i never want to play bng
[csongi``dEEpEE] yet if some1 picks it i f@#!ing play xd
[csongi``dEEpEE] is that simple :D
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: kell p��r k��r, hogy r��j��jjek mi a szar ez, meg mit csin��lok itt :D
[Oo`lales] nice to know it
[TdC`Senator] ye u can still play bng
Oo`lales will write that in his WA notepad
[TdC`Senator] vok terrible at rr
[Oo`lales] trap
[csongi``dEEpEE] chelsea f@#!ing played rr when he had to also wxw ( he is terrible at both)
[csongi``dEEpEE] so ur point is not valid
[Oo`lales] 20 mins
[csongi``dEEpEE] I played rr against philie and peja back in their LL days when they were mistaking the rope for bungee
[csongi``dEEpEE] they still f@#!ing played the goddamn game
[TdC`Senator] i agree that vok should play rr
[TdC`Senator] but i cant force him xd
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> fasz kivan.. lehetett volna double.. xd
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: ja csak sietni kellett volna :D
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> aval a cratel soha... ;d
[TdC`Senator] bl puton
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> ezen a map en
[Oo`lales] ya ;(
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: ja tudom :D
csongi``dEEpEE..Tomi-dP: oke, a taktika, en megdoglok, te megnyered xdd
[Oo`lales] -5 mins
[Oo`lales] maybe we will not play our pick
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: lesznek m��g jobb csomagok is ^^
[kins`dP] or u jsut eat dinner later :)
csongi``dEEpEE..Tomi-dP: upc csomaag a legjobb, a reklam szerint :D
[Oo`lales] cant
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: lol :D
[kins`dP] stop it!
[TdC`Senator] "dont let girls ruin ur worms games"
[Oo`lales] nice copycat of me ^^ kins said it
[kins`dP] dinner with girl?
[Oo`lales] yup
[csongi``dEEpEE] had to try.. wasnt an easy knock, so stfu
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> pile old 192 ot
[kins`dP] once i eat dinner with girl too... back then i could cut my hand for her.. and u know what? now i could be without hand
[csongi``dEEpEE] kins is one hell of a romantic soul
[Oo`lales] its not that kind of passion mate ^^
[Oo`lales] its only a dinner with my wife ;D
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: h��t majd legk��zelebb
[kins`dP] haha ok xd
csongi``dEEpEE..Tomi-dP: ha legkozelebb latlak xd
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> apaaamm
[Tomi-dP] looool kins
[TdC`Senator] no candles
[Oo`lales] nah
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> ezeket meg jozanos se tudnam tamadni xddd
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: ez��rt ut��lom a ropert am��gy :D
[TdC`Senator] beep
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> pile
[Oo`lales] cant go fast atm
[csongi``dEEpEE] gyerunk
[TdC`Senator] kins u betting on snooker?
[kins`dP] snooker? only sometims
[Tomi-dP] aw
[Oo`lales] gj
[TdC`Senator] world champs going on
[kins`dP] still gj
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> kicsit elbasztad de azert gj :D
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: thx xd
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: fX az Xszintes��g :D
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> :)))
[kins`dP] i am not into snooker
[kins`dP] dont know much players
[csongi``dEEpEE] ronnie the rocket
[csongi``dEEpEE] wins
[kins`dP] that one i know
[Oo`lales] fail now
[Oo`lales] gj again
[kins`dP] Ronnie O'Sullivan
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: ez se volt annyira rossz ^^
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> eleg szar volt :DD
[csongi``dEEpEE] na most
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] they have only easy crates
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] lol
[csongi``dEEpEE] itt az ido most vagy soha
[Oo`lales] thats roper mate
[Oo`lales] luck for all
[csongi``dEEpEE] rabok legyunk vagy szabadok, ez a kerdes valasszatok !!!
[kins`dP] are more
[Tomi-dP] oh fak
[kins`dP] bechate ciave
[kins`dP] csongi , has mine pucine jandre
[Oo`lales] poo in pants?
[csongi``dEEpEE] hahaha xd
[kins`dP] u know gipsy language i know
[csongi``dEEpEE] hm
[TdC`Senator] good hustle
[Tomi-dP] wee
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] gj
[Oo`lales] im gipsy ^^
[csongi``dEEpEE] nyugi van
[csongi``dEEpEE] kicsit elbasztad de jo volt :))))
[csongi``dEEpEE] viccelek amugy xdd
[Tomi-dP] ez kuzrva szar volt
[Tomi-dP] ùù így meg fXleg
[Oo`lales] pile now
[Oo`lales] uy !
[kins`dP] uuu almost f@#!ed f@#!ed up xd
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] first ahrd crate!
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] wee
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] xD
[csongi``dEEpEE] nade jobbrol
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] hard*
[csongi``dEEpEE] dude, go and f@#!ing watch the replay lol
[Oo`lales] see mate ^^ see
[Oo`lales] cmon Csongi
Oo`lales..csongi``dEEpEE: ;) hes not me
[Tomi-dP] jó ez így, várj xd
[Oo`lales] akais = ¿?
[csongi``dEEpEE] dont cmon me, I dont need false shit around here xd
[Oo`lales] dont get red, ur alcohol will disspaear ;D
[csongi``dEEpEE] never !
[csongi``dEEpEE] xd
[Oo`lales] xcjiodghasdbg
[csongi``dEEpEE] bl putilla
[kins`dP] bl putilla
[kins`dP] sounds like puta mierda
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> baszd foldhoz mind BOde Dani a norvegot
[kins`dP] or putos
[Oo`lales] i think i have some in blood still
[Oo`lales] xD
[kins`dP] maybe it is wife of putos
[kins`dP] puto's wife
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> aaaa, repult mint a zsiroskenyer
[kins`dP] puto and putilla could be nice couple anyway
[Oo`lales] its my fault
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: :DD
[Oo`lales] putois forbidden here
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: de a hideot j��l elk��rtam
[Oo`lales] puto*
[Tomi-dP] gj
[Oo`lales] nice
[Oo`lales] only female putillas
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> annyi baj legyen ;d
[csongi``dEEpEE] n1
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: ez a gond basszameg xd
[kins`dP] female putillas sound like girl with dicks
[kins`dP] or just shemales
[Oo`lales] too ;D
[kins`dP] csongi like them
[Oo`lales] with a big dick
[Oo`lales] mecago en totus
[Oo`lales] ;o
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> na, mondjuk ezt kurtad el :))))
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: j����
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: faszom :D
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> sebaj, a Bode Dani manouver miatt el lett felejtve xd
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: :D
[kins`dP] u better dont loose that game, or i will rape u both in ur hungarian-romanian asshole
[Oo`lales] vnintime
[Tomi-dP] dont worry
[kins`dP] nice runaway
[Tomi-dP] ahah that save
[csongi``dEEpEE] tx
[Oo`lales] Senatorknows tacticof mine
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> old meg a 31-et sztem, ha van ra esely
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: h��t mi m��st
[Oo`lales] iwill do the rest ( whisper )
[kins`dP] holy :D
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> gj
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: thx
[Oo`lales] 21 mins
[Oo`lales] g2g
[csongi``dEEpEE] ill tyr to kill u now putilla
[csongi``dEEpEE] nop
[Tomi-dP] naaaaaah
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] kinslater in pm : die noob
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] xD
[Oo`lales] u cant
[kins`dP] holy
[Oo`lales] u kins! dont PM my tea mate
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] why u dont kick this jailman from clan?
[Oo`lales] and team mate
[Tomi-dP] gj
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] let him listen him metal alone
[Oo`lales] coño
[csongi``dEEpEE] kins is not a jail man
[kins`dP] i am!
[Oo`lales] no u not
[Oo`lales] !!
[kins`dP] i am michalel scofield
[csongi``dEEpEE] nagy vagy vazze
[Oo`lales] michaellel
[Oo`lales] gg
[Tomi-dP] huh
[Oo`lales] cusoon
[csongi``dEEpEE] gg
[Oo`lales] damnspcabar
[Oo`lales] buy me a new KN Senator
[Oo`lales] no more TUS for me then
[Oo`lales] KB*
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] gg
[Oo`lales] gg
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: na rajtad a vil��g szeme xd
[TdC`Senator] ok
[Tomi-dP] gg
[kins`dP] gg tomias
[Oo`Asbest`LR`Kf] kinslayer continue insulting in PM lol
[Oo`lales] If Schw around in 30mins,we will play our pick
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> hmmm, kicsit rizikozni kene ahoz hogy vissza erjek
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: ja nem k��nnyX
Tomi-dP..csongi``dEEpEE: v��rd meg m��g leesik :D
<<csongi``dEEpEE>> en vagyok a reszeg xdd
[kins`dP] nice
[kins`dP] gg
[Tomi-dP] gj
[csongi``dEEpEE] gg
[csongi``dEEpEE] AZAZ
[Tomi-dP] széép
[csongi``dEEpEE] ott van
[kins`dP] szeep
[csongi``dEEpEE] STiEBER
[Tomi-dP] ott bakker
[kins`dP] ott van szeep
[Tomi-dP] :D
[csongi``dEEpEE] kurva osztrakok

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lost of kinslayer's insults! nice behaviour, prisoner! i hope u will be in prison as long as possible!


yes, i am in prison but we have fast wifi here, I also meet ur mom here!! vn person, she visit my cell some nights :))


Yyyyy VoK dont play rr :( maybe we start play only default clanner like you guys do when no 2 ropers online


Quote from: Asbest on April 25, 2017, 09:26 PM
lost of kinslayer's insults! nice behaviour, prisoner! i hope u will be in prison as long as possible!

grow up   ::)


Quote from: Chelsea on April 26, 2017, 08:41 PM
Quote from: Asbest on April 25, 2017, 09:26 PM
lost of kinslayer's insults! nice behaviour, prisoner! i hope u will be in prison as long as possible!

grow up   ::)
ok bro, 1 hamburger pls


Quote from: Asbest on April 26, 2017, 09:09 PM
Quote from: Chelsea on April 26, 2017, 08:41 PM
Quote from: Asbest on April 25, 2017, 09:26 PM
lost of kinslayer's insults! nice behaviour, prisoner! i hope u will be in prison as long as possible!

grow up   ::)
ok bro, 1 hamburger pls

cheesburgers are much better and cost same


Quote from: Asbest on April 26, 2017, 09:09 PM
ok bro, 1 hamburger pls

1 big pepperoni with double cheese and 3 big beers pls  8)


Last time I made a joke about MC Something, I've got abandoned to the desert. :-[

Quote from: XanKriegor on November 18, 2015, 03:21 PMAdnan, you are Mega, not Micro and not even faint  :D So fight till the end please.