April 25, 2024, 08:08 PM

Game #221047, Viewed 247 Time(s)

Free #32
July 24, 2017, 11:48 PM
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Absolute Beginner 1000 in Kaos before the game. Gained 51|51 points
Germany db dS Kf
Rookie 1254 in Kaos before the game. Lost 48|51 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 1
1 - 1
1 - 5
3 - 15
Information Game scheme: Kaos
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
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Downloaded 366 time(s).
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Game Map(s)

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Game Chat(s)
[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[Vojske] hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] pretty stoned, almost drunk :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] will roll joint soon lol
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] cool combination
[UC`Hurz`dS] nab
[UC`Hurz`dS] why so hectic :D:D
[Vojske] hahah
[Vojske] damn box
[UC`Hurz`dS] awww
[Vojske] :oOO
[UC`Hurz`dS] wanted more left :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] but 1 dead at least ;(
[Vojske] for sure xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] ;)*
[UC`Hurz`dS] sorry, bit distracted :D
[Vojske] i see that XD
[UC`Hurz`dS] here now
[UC`Hurz`dS] cool
[Vojske] well gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] uh
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] loool
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] wuttt
[Vojske] nnaah
[Vojske] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] dat turnaround
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] pff
[Vojske] what now x
[Vojske] hm
[Vojske] xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmm
[Vojske] ew
[UC`Hurz`dS] waste
[Vojske] :S
[UC`Hurz`dS] that failed fly screwed it :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[Vojske] gg

[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[Vojske] family guy on phone ?
[Vojske] HF
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye
[UC`Hurz`dS] addictive app :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] uh-oh
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj
[Vojske] t xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] neh
[Vojske] strong one
[UC`Hurz`dS] grr
[UC`Hurz`dS] pretty wasty
[Vojske] :DD
[Vojske] hm
[Vojske] 34 :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] disaster
[Vojske] n
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[Vojske] gs
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[Vojske] pretty shit at end :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] that last was stupid
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye
[UC`Hurz`dS] wasted the lg i just got :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] and piled
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmmm
[UC`Hurz`dS] ouch
[Vojske] i must do it :s
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] dont sure what u do right now xD
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[Vojske] gg ..

[Vojske] hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[UC`Hurz`dS] t for waitin
[Vojske] np
[Vojske] oh
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] :S
[UC`Hurz`dS] whatta start _D_D
[Vojske] sux :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] complicated :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] :o
[Vojske] too slow
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D:D
[Vojske] woiw
[Vojske] n
[UC`Hurz`dS] ty lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] got 3 lasers weeee
[UC`Hurz`dS] n1
[UC`Hurz`dS] nt
[Vojske] eww :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] oh rly
[Vojske] waat
[UC`Hurz`dS] << nab
[UC`Hurz`dS] whatta waste of time and money :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] ehm
[UC`Hurz`dS] worm
[UC`Hurz`dS] safe
[Vojske] haha true
[Vojske] RUuun
[UC`Hurz`dS] neh
[UC`Hurz`dS] idiot lol
[UC`Hurz`dS] had torch even :D
[Vojske] hahaha
[UC`Hurz`dS] puh
[Vojske] adfsamnfasmf'
[Vojske] f@#!
[UC`Hurz`dS] 9:7
[UC`Hurz`dS] *.
[UC`Hurz`dS] more careful :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] ae tele
[UC`Hurz`dS] hide well
[UC`Hurz`dS] or kill
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[Vojske] damn cave,...
[Vojske] cant do anything
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] lpoool
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] rage
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D:D:D
[UC`Hurz`dS] wild
[UC`Hurz`dS] need more stuff.
[UC`Hurz`dS] you seem packed
[UC`Hurz`dS] damn
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[Vojske] gg

[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[UC`Hurz`dS] grr
[UC`Hurz`dS] aw
[UC`Hurz`dS] haha cool
[Vojske] :dd
[UC`Hurz`dS] grr :D
[Vojske] aaaa
[UC`Hurz`dS] need more stuff, as said ;)
[UC`Hurz`dS] you plopped and stopped me collecting ;)
[UC`Hurz`dS] but had to pile more and try get them all now.
[UC`Hurz`dS] maybe i kami too much :D
[Vojske] dont think ...
[UC`Hurz`dS] uh
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] shoullda petrol'd to lright side lmao
[UC`Hurz`dS] 3 kills there
[UC`Hurz`dS] ow
[Vojske] hmm
[Vojske] too much waste
[UC`Hurz`dS] ah damn
[UC`Hurz`dS] didnt save spots :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] will show anyway, no fan of invi.
[UC`Hurz`dS] just was in mood to use :D
[Vojske] n skunk
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] rather lucky i guess
[UC`Hurz`dS] eeeeyyyy
[UC`Hurz`dS] hmm
[Vojske] shiett
[UC`Hurz`dS] :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj anway
[UC`Hurz`dS] awww
[Vojske] ah
[Vojske] dont sure
[Vojske] xD
[Vojske] gg
[Vojske] haha
[UC`Hurz`dS] gg
[UC`Hurz`dS] damn

[Vojske] hf
[UC`Hurz`dS] funz
[UC`Hurz`dS] strange decision
[UC`Hurz`dS] welcome to hell :D
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] i must pick that box
[UC`Hurz`dS] ehh
[UC`Hurz`dS] what was it
[UC`Hurz`dS] donz
[UC`Hurz`dS] t
[UC`Hurz`dS] heh
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj
[UC`Hurz`dS] meant dont sheep ;)
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] it was close
[Vojske] to use
[UC`Hurz`dS] grrr
[Vojske] aaaaa
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol
[Vojske] paaatsy
[UC`Hurz`dS] bad idea ::D
[Vojske] strraaange
[UC`Hurz`dS] ye, wild fails
[UC`Hurz`dS] lol why do i pile myself
[Vojske] uff
[UC`Hurz`dS] didnt see theres 1 of mine in there during turn., and forgot about it :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] haha vn
[UC`Hurz`dS] ggs?
[Vojske] ty :D
[UC`Hurz`dS] idbrainlag :)
[UC`Hurz`dS] ggs
[UC`Hurz`dS] gj
[Vojske] ggss
[Vojske] ty
[Vojske] agree to abnormal :)
[UC`Hurz`dS] sure lol

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