April 25, 2024, 02:15 PM

Game #221425, Viewed 243 Time(s)

Allround #2, Default #3
August 20, 2017, 06:10 PM
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Absolute Beginner 976 in Normal/Intermediate before the game. Gained 35|38 points more
Australia tr ae
Absolute Beginner 933 in Normal/Intermediate before the game. Lost 41|38 points more

Information Game scheme: Normal/Intermediate
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 229 time(s).
0 members and about 229 guests have downloaded this game.
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 1 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 0 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 1 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Vojske] hf
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] hf
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] ;p
[Vojske] xD
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] im bad in normal but ok :D
[Vojske] xd
[Vojske] what will u pick
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] f@#!
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] ;D
[Vojske] ew
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] i will pick hystera
[Vojske] nt
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] t
[Vojske] shiet
[Vojske] xD
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] lol
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] lul
[Vojske] uf
[Vojske] ded
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] what is ur nick on tus
[Vojske] this one
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] ok
[Vojske] kinda fast map
[Vojske] dont like it :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[Vojske] right !
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] vn
[Vojske] t
[Vojske] works
[Vojske] gg
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] pro
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] gg
[Vojske] xd

[Vojske] hf
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] hf
[Vojske] screw
[Vojske] up
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] lol
[Vojske] a liitle luckty
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] aw
[Vojske] 4
[Vojske] ewe
[Vojske] nt
[Vojske] aw
[Vojske] x
[Vojske] D
[Vojske] damn pixel
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] xD
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] mannnnnnn
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] gg
[Vojske] :/
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] f@#!
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] ;D
[Vojske] der lord
[Vojske] dear
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] lol
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] pixelated rape
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] ;D
[Vojske] hn
[Vojske] m
[Vojske] somehow
[Vojske] i lose this :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] f@#!
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] gg
[Vojske] lol man
[Vojske] wtf game
[Vojske] xD
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] gg
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] xD
[Vojske] gg
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] brb

[Vojske] npo :"D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] af@#!
[Vojske] opss
[Vojske] bad knocks...
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] u knock like girl :D
[Vojske] true man :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] xD
[Vojske] WILD
[Vojske] lol
[Vojske] didnt activate that barell
[Vojske] killing alex...
[Vojske] :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] XD
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] he pro
[Vojske] nah
[Vojske] damn
[Vojske] gj
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] thx
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[Vojske] leel
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] AHHA
[Vojske] im play rly bad
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] LOL
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] nice aim
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] fak#
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] This game is interesting
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] ;D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] Like Chess
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] LOL
[Vojske] looool
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] vn
[Vojske] like a chess :D
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] f@#!
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D
[Vojske] holy
[Vojske] xD
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] Do it :D
[Vojske] why not :D
[Vojske] lul
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] lol
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] gg
[Vojske] ujFFFF
[Vojske] AAA
[Vojske] f@#!
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] damn it
[Vojske] gg
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :Dhaha
[Vojske] hahah
[Vojske] strange
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] best game
[`Pn`ThyX`tr] :D

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