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Game #223438, reported by Godmax, Viewed 808 Time(s)

Free #33
September 01, 2018, 09:54 PM

Below Average 1392 in Aerial before the game. Gained 16|15 points

Absolute Beginner 789 in Aerial before the game. Lost 16|15 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
7 - 4
10 - 5
7 - 4
10 - 5
Information Game scheme: Aerial
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 1719 time(s).
0 members and about 1719 guests have downloaded this game.
Game Awards
has nominated this game for Luck of the season
has nominated this game for Shot of the season
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Frutiloops] glhf m8
[Godmax] God luck and have fun! Tobi is in a very good condition today. Too good if you ask me..therefor we can't f@#!ing lose. We never lose you f@#!ing animals! So let the shit begin :)
[Godmax] I can smel victory, it smells very god and specific. Victory smells like: titmilk
[Frutiloops] ut is the smell of a defeat?
[Godmax] no
[Frutiloops] damn
[Frutiloops] wee
[Godmax] looking good
[Frutiloops] omg
[Godmax] f@#! it
[Godmax] f@#!ed jhard
[Godmax] both
[Frutiloops] duuuuuuuuuuuuude
[Godmax] yes
[Godmax] f@#!er
[Frutiloops] ded
[Godmax] i hate aerial
[Godmax] all this f@#!ing shit
[Godmax] come on
[Frutiloops] aw
[Frutiloops] aaaaaaaaaaa
[Godmax] f@#! this dogshit
[Godmax] f@#!ing waste of time
[Godmax] 30 throws
[Godmax] then it will be decided
[Godmax] shit f@#! off
[Godmax] wtf
[Godmax] where the f@#! are you going
[Godmax] this will take YEARS
[Frutiloops] no cuz sudden deth
[Frutiloops] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[Godmax] f@#! this dickgame
[Godmax] f@#! this shit
[Frutiloops] lololol
[Godmax] i hate worms
[Godmax] soooo much
[Frutiloops] and worms hates u
[Godmax] i will end my aerial career after this f@#!ing cup
[Frutiloops] about time
[Godmax] what a waste of time here
[Godmax] unbelievable
[Godmax] this shouldve ended 10 min ago
[Frutiloops] u messed up
[Frutiloops] omg
[Frutiloops] oh stupid cr8
[Frutiloops] looooooooool
[Godmax] f@#!ed
[Godmax] 1:0
[Frutiloops] ha
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 17 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Godmax] I can smel victory, it smels very good and specific. Victory smells like: tittymilk
[Frutiloops] ded
[Godmax] f@#!ing luckernoobshit
[Godmax] high ten
[Frutiloops] hohohoohoh
[Godmax] f@#!ing luckshit
[Godmax] noobshit
[Godmax] shitf@#!
[Frutiloops] aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
[Frutiloops] a
[Frutiloops] a
[Frutiloops] a
[Frutiloops] a
[Frutiloops] a
[Godmax] f@#!ing noobluckshit
[Godmax] f@#!ed in the ass
[Godmax] asshole
[Godmax] hehe
[Godmax] nice
[Godmax] nice
[Godmax] f@#!
[Frutiloops] safe
[Godmax] lucker
[Frutiloops] hohohohohno
[Frutiloops] will u stop crying
[Frutiloops] looooooooooooool
[Godmax] nice
[Godmax] again
[Godmax] this time
[Godmax] no luck
[Frutiloops] no more lucks
[Godmax] f@#!ed
[Godmax] ashiut
[Godmax] alive
[Frutiloops] hahahah
[Frutiloops] hoohohohohoho
[Godmax] ok then not
[Godmax] lucker
[Frutiloops] sheep dumber than u m8
[Godmax] i hate worms
[Godmax] its a f@#!game
[Godmax] for f@#!ers
[Godmax] cave is dead
[Godmax] f@#! him noqw
[Godmax] alive
[Frutiloops] lol
[Frutiloops] no way
[Frutiloops] ded
[Godmax] asslucker
[Godmax] applause
[Godmax] nice nice
[Godmax] f@#!ing dicklickerjetpack
[Godmax] YES
[Godmax] WTF
[Godmax] YES
[Frutiloops] whaaaaaaaaaaaaat
[Godmax] 2:0
[Godmax] YES
[Godmax] YES
[Godmax] YES
[Godmax] f@#!ED
[Frutiloops] whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat
[Godmax] RAPED
[Frutiloops] no way
[Godmax] f@#!ED
[Godmax] f@#!ED

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First match pumpgun ending, second match bazookashot


First and second match: lucky shots.
Life is a funner dressed up as a tus


And more than deserved victories. Just took too long


Life is a funner dressed up as a tus