April 25, 2024, 08:14 PM

Game #224742, Viewed 285 Time(s)

Allround #5, Default #6
May 21, 2019, 02:25 PM
Serbia HCP alCo BrS
Beginner 1134 in Normal/Intermediate before the game. Gained 40|34 points more
Germany STF ZaR
Absolute Beginner 1009 in Normal/Intermediate before the game. Lost 34|34 points more

Information Game scheme: Normal/Intermediate
Scheme pick: Both pick (Like a 3rd game)
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 584 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Game Map(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 1 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 1 time(s)

Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.03 KB, Downloaded 1 time(s)

Game Chat(s)
[Vojske] hf
[SAeint] sg?
[SAeint] xD
[SAeint] wtf
[Vojske] lol
[Vojske] xD
[SAeint] elite
[Vojske] XD
[Vojske] ops
[SAeint] ...
[SAeint] f@#! me
[SAeint] what a luck
[Vojske] awww
[SAeint] im never will play normal stupid sheme rly
[Vojske] why do you think that
[Vojske] maybe best scheme ever
[SAeint] im dont like random position
[SAeint] fortune
[Vojske] well u have 3 ws
[Vojske] 5 ropes
[Vojske] teleports
[SAeint] now only 2 ropes
[SAeint] xd
[SAeint] ok
[Vojske] aaa
[SAeint] wtf
[SAeint] sg?
[SAeint] xd bl
[SAeint] lmao
[Vojske] whata shoooot
[SAeint] jesus
[Vojske] dont know what are you doing
[SAeint] im too
[SAeint] but you doing hard shit
[SAeint] -2?
[SAeint] l se
[SAeint] never
[Vojske] just mistakes
[Vojske] easy -2
[SAeint] sure?
[SAeint] gege
[Vojske] now you can stop
[Vojske] crying :D
[Vojske] gg

[Vojske] i start
[Vojske] :P
[Vojske] man
[Vojske] you play first in first round :D
[Vojske] let me
[Vojske] now :P
[SAeint] =S
[SAeint] ouh
[SAeint] max shit
[Vojske] ye but i must play first
[SAeint] dammit
[SAeint] xD
[Vojske] can we rm
[Vojske] with my start
[SAeint] next life
[SAeint] mb
[Vojske] dont sure
[Vojske] how u dont understand
[Vojske] u play first
[Vojske] now u play first again
[Vojske] dont sure that is regular
[Vojske] lol
[SAeint] ?????????????????????????
[SAeint] ?????????????????
[SAeint] rofl
[SAeint] ... just
[SAeint] lmfao
[Vojske] kamikadze ?
[SAeint] u can kill my last worm next turn
[SAeint] wtf 3 select???
[SAeint] imposible
[Vojske] gg
[SAeint] sure your positions best always
[Vojske] haha
[Vojske] u play 2 times first

[Vojske] hf
[SAeint] lmfao
[Vojske] no hole
[SAeint] what a lucker
[SAeint] lol hole here
[SAeint] try run
[Vojske] this is hole
[Vojske] :)
[SAeint] see
[Vojske] ahahahah
[Vojske] wild
[SAeint] f@#! me
[SAeint] what a barrer
[Vojske] ah
[Vojske] damn\
[SAeint] gg
[Vojske] aw
[SAeint] wtf more
[Vojske] dunno man
[SAeint] nice balance you lost and i lost turn
[SAeint] ?
[SAeint] dont kill?
[Vojske] aw
[SAeint] lmfai
[Vojske] almost tripple ":D
[SAeint] what a luck
[SAeint] 1 hp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[SAeint] f@#! me
[SAeint] quantum luck
[Vojske] omgh
[Vojske] you crying like a little baby
[SAeint] xD
[SAeint] becuase relly luck
[SAeint] gg
[Vojske] XD
[SAeint] lmfao
[SAeint] lost sw rope yp and worm xD
[Vojske] see that
[SAeint] you rofler?
[SAeint] ahahah
[Vojske] ded
[Vojske] lol
[SAeint] xD
[SAeint] wtf
[Vojske] :))
[SAeint] aaahahah
[SAeint] cyber shot
[Vojske] ye :D
[SAeint] nothes?
[SAeint] lmao
[Vojske] go awway ?
[Vojske] didnt see
[SAeint] ye
[SAeint] lucky win
[SAeint] wind
[Vojske] its sudden man...
[SAeint] gg
[Vojske] miss
[Vojske] miss
[Vojske] miss
[SAeint] wtf
[Vojske] yes !
[SAeint] not posible
[SAeint] under water too not bad xDD
[SAeint] im think nobody win
[SAeint] ...
[SAeint] whit it is miss miss
[SAeint] o0
[Vojske] hahaha
[SAeint] go up pls
[SAeint] !!
[SAeint] fak
[SAeint] stupid game
[Vojske] gg

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