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Game #225805, Viewed 353 Time(s)

Allround #8, Rope #9
July 10, 2020, 05:05 PM

Rookie 1261 in Big RR/Tower before the game. Gained 31|27 points more

Absolute Beginner 971 in Big RR/Tower before the game. Lost 27|27 points more

Information Game scheme: Big RR/Tower
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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7024 x 4680, PNG, 378.79 KB, Downloaded 877 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[DENnis`FD] HöävFun
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] u2
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] how do you center worm?
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] i forget
[DENnis`FD] ctrl+home
[DENnis`FD] and only hometodeactivate
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] not working?
[DENnis`FD] home = POS1 on German keyboards
[DENnis`FD] CTRL Pos1
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] got it ty
[DENnis`FD] yw :)
[DENnis`FD] after 10 times u asked me for TUS we finally playagain XD
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] haha :P
[DENnis`FD] butthats nice because of u i was playing t17 again after many years xd
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] :D
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] glad to hear it
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] because of you i play rope race :)
[DENnis`FD] ops
[DENnis`FD] hehe thats nice
[DENnis`FD] well srry bigrr/towerrace is my fav scheme at tus league :D
[DENnis`FD] if there would be surfshopper i would prefer surf
[DENnis`FD] xd
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] its bsurf shopper?
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] idk if i've played that
[DENnis`FD] i play a lotof surfshopper, butnotfor tus^1^
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] show it to me after this rreally quick'
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] just so i know what it is
[DENnis`FD] sure :D
[DENnis`FD] i m workingon a new surfmap again :D but i ll show u surf on my easy fishy map
[DENnis`FD] itworks withversion TESTstuff
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] k!
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] cool
[DENnis`FD] with version TS u can open chute or rope or a afr weapon with ENTER in air oron water
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] on big rope race?
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] or just surf shop?
[DENnis`FD] 1 more turn :D
[DENnis`FD] just with teststuff activated
[DENnis`FD] here is only rs activated (racestuff) (wormion worm)
[DENnis`FD] in
[DENnis`FD] gg
[lovEvil-ONL-TUS] gg!
[DENnis`FD] gg