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Game #227349, Viewed 220 Time(s)

Allround #12, Default #13
May 31, 2021, 03:40 AM

Inexperienced 1158 in Team17 before the game. Gained 43|43 points more

Rookie 1238 in Team17 before the game. Lost 40|43 points more

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
4 - 0
4 - 0
4 - 0
4 - 0
Information Game scheme: Team17
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 101 time(s).
Game Awards
This game hasn't been nominated for any awards.
Random generated map by the game.
1920 x 696, LEV, 0.04 KB, Downloaded 7 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[dt-Mablak] hf
[Deadcode] Danelius, want to play again after?
[Danelius] yes im about all night
[Deadcode] omg
[Deadcode] 1
[dt-Mablak] the map variety is definitely a lot to think about
[dt-Mablak] erg bl
[Danelius] vn
[dt-Mablak] thx
[dt-Mablak] more safe than dragonball which could knock the mine a bit too hard
[Deadcode] agreed
[Danelius] yes a nice cbq move
[Deadcode] and dragonball would do less base damage
[Danelius] wow
[dt-Mablak] g'knock
[Danelius] chess
[Deadcode] ty
[Deadcode] wow nice chute
[Deadcode] vn
[dt-Mablak] thx
[Deadcode] omg
[Deadcode] shit
[Deadcode] two mistakes already :\
[dt-Mablak] >_<
[Deadcode] both of them VERY costly ones
[dt-Mablak] hm nuts, was thinking there wouldn't be a great weap to attack that worm
[Deadcode] hehe
[dt-Mablak] uff
[Deadcode] nt
[dt-Mablak] 26... damn I am not used to this monitor enough
[Deadcode] phew @ wind
[Deadcode] damn, no fire
[Deadcode] well almost none
[dt-Mablak] gj
[Deadcode] ty
[Danelius] n
[Deadcode] ty
[dt-Mablak] I should play some BRs, not quite as nimble as I want to be
[Deadcode] mmm
[Deadcode] I'd be glad to
[Danelius] What's the girder distance for placement from worm?
[dt-Mablak] hm?
[Deadcode] 200 pixels for every star IIRC
[Deadcode] so that'd make it 600
[Deadcode] but it's ortho-distance (Manhattan distance)
[Deadcode] so you can only place it at half that diagonally
[Danelius] so about 1/4 the map?
[Danelius] is a girder 200px?
[Deadcode] 1/3.2 the width of the map
[Danelius] When I play shoppa now the map doesn't move when i get a certain distance. What's the reason?
[Deadcode] could've had an even traede of worms there...
[Deadcode] maybe I should've gone for it
[Deadcode] damn
[dt-Mablak] mole betrayal
[dt-Mablak] aw hell I've been taking much too long turns
[Deadcode] yeah, I should'e gone on the girder
[Deadcode] realized that right after
[Danelius] should have snorkel in game
[dt-Mablak] oh dear
[Deadcode] gg
[dt-Mablak] unfortunately that girder helps for this
[dt-Mablak] gg
[Danelius] gg