Leagues > Leagues

Game #228397, reported by Lupastic


the score was 1-1, however Jimmy quitted the last deciding bo3 game to play clanner. so since he left bo3, cuz he got bored of my epic hit&run tactics in the 2nd replay, I guess I'll report it as my win. We also talked about a 2nd free league game that he left as well, but I'm obviously not reporting that, only this for my win - due to him (leaving)

i noted in chat that i had clanner in 15 minutes, then after the round i had to go, u knew i had (he read the chat and brags that 'ah, u left away, i got chat logs'). it is visible in-game that i noticed you about it, yet u are calling me a pussy and quitter like i am 13 lol. and now you refuse to continue (again, saying that i am chicken), and reporting unfinished game xd
u can have this win but you wont get any from me from now on. and i hope you will be looking into this in different position later when you have to go and forcing opponent to postpone the game and having the same braggy and childish decision 'ah, u left, u lost' turned back to u.
i feel no disrespect to you, but i understand that you are able to do this again if my clanmates asking me to fight or i have a real-life events. thus, dont expect me to change my mind soon.


--- Quote from: StJimmy on September 05, 2021, 12:09 PM ---i noted in chat that i had clanner in 15 minutes, then after the round i had to go

--- End quote ---

nothing more to discuss ::) ::)
I offered you to play one more bo3 MM and finally my pick of scheme, but as u can see in the replay, you left without a word to play clanners, and as far as I know by TUS rules here, if you leave, especially without a word, the win goes to the other player. (it's clearly visible in the replay that you did so) ofc if I know this wrong, please correct me and void this report :)
and yeah you said you don't want to do any more games ;c that's why I reported it

I'm surprised about you btw Jimmy, I thought you would have more.. dignity or something  ;D :D this is pure ridiculous. (also pasted a screenshot here of our prev talks, so that u wouldn't twist the truth.)

wtf are you talking about? one more bo3 mm? u basically disobeying the rules that u try to force my ass here lol
if there is nothing to discuss for u, then good for u, there will be no point in continuing this, hf and see you in clanners if someone accepts this behaviour from you.

and as i've said before (i am REPEATING for u cos u don't like to read) - u can have it, i dont question the result u reported.
just sad that this overdesire to win and\or humiliate opponent is driving ppl to this limits and basically ruins any joy of game.


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