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Game #229165, Viewed 279 Time(s)

Allround #14, Default #15
October 18, 2021, 03:47 PM
VoK Finland

Beginner 1133 in Team17 before the game. Gained 43|35 points more

Absolute Beginner 1045 in Team17 before the game. Lost 33|35 points more

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
Finland VoK
1 - 0
Finland VoK
3 - 0
Finland VoK
2 - 1
Finland VoK
7 - 2
Information Game scheme: Team17
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, PNG, 244.23 KB, Downloaded 4 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[VoK`TdC] hf
[pejaxcfc] hf
[pejaxcfc] lol i totally forgot how to do that bungee stuff
[VoK`TdC] lol i m too unsure whit it in t17 :D after my break xD
[VoK`TdC] scared :D
[pejaxcfc] i guess it was like not pressing anything xd
[VoK`TdC] :D:D:D:D:
[pejaxcfc] xddddd
[VoK`TdC] ye
[VoK`TdC] and you need press when down
[VoK`TdC] dunno how i failed it xcD
[pejaxcfc] n
[VoK`TdC] t
[VoK`TdC] dunno how it work red wind o0
[pejaxcfc] just fall down
[pejaxcfc] too slow xd
[VoK`TdC] :D
[VoK`TdC] dont open :D
[VoK`TdC] dam grave
[pejaxcfc] thanks
[pejaxcfc] mee noob me no hide f5 xd
[pejaxcfc] gj
[VoK`TdC] t
[VoK`TdC] oh
[VoK`TdC] bl
[pejaxcfc] great xd
[VoK`TdC] oh
[VoK`TdC] bad idea waste rope for that -.-
[pejaxcfc] gimme gooder blow shit
[pejaxcfc] ,u sweet sweet plan xd
[pejaxcfc] ahm xd
[VoK`TdC] o0
[pejaxcfc] what to press xd
[VoK`TdC] where you fly
[pejaxcfc] dunno xd
[pejaxcfc] next tru xd
[VoK`TdC] you kill you another worm for that ?
[VoK`TdC] o0
[pejaxcfc] i ran out of bound truong to get the sheep left xd
[VoK`TdC] up way maybe more easy
[VoK`TdC] make that
[VoK`TdC] 3 aq :D
[VoK`TdC] nice :D
[pejaxcfc] why do you think im so wasteful xd
[pejaxcfc] at least no eq
[pejaxcfc] come on xd
[pejaxcfc] i alreadu ised 4 sd weaps xd
[VoK`TdC] gg :D
[pejaxcfc] gg