Leagues > Leagues

Game #230114, reported by GonZaLO


Zalo the moler:
19:52 time

You know you are blessed when a Sheep from an exploded crate refuses to kill you.

xD this was weird indeed, nice to see some new never known (for me at least) physics (: with my current WA knowledge I'm kinda surprised the sheep didn't pick up the other crate and then explode on the land, or explode when touched the other crate right away

Zalo the moler:

--- Quote from: Lupastic on December 21, 2021, 11:06 PM ---xD this was weird indeed, nice to see some new never known (for me at least) physics (: with my current WA knowledge I'm kinda surprised the sheep didn't pick up the other crate and then explode on the land, or explode when touched the other crate right away

--- End quote ---

When a crate explodes and the sheep jumps out of it, then the only thing in the world that can temporarily stop the sheep from exploding is another crate. If the sheep lands on top of the crate, it will just do 1 jump and detonate itself right after it touches virtually any part of the map/worm. It's the first time ever that I see the sheep "denied" by the crate and pushed back to water, completely saving a worm. The crate also didn't allow the sheep to hurt the worm in any way at all.


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