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Game #230808, reported by GonZaLO


Zalo the moler:
time 13:07 --> until the end of match

That is why I love playing Mole Shopper. It's because in desperate times, when all hope is lost, there is this furry brown boomerang that is far more powerful than my enemy's Cluster or Cows, if used in the right hands, with enough faith.

You just need to spend enough time with it, know exactly what angles of colliding with other tunnels make it explode, know exactly the epicenter of explosion (mole's butt), know the best geometry for its travel, and ideal strength for the push. And yet, you often need to make a drunk mole (reversed one) with all of that.


Danie will probably beat my ass any moment today or tomorrow.

this "gonzalo" guy does much worse in general at mole shoppas than the original "zalo", ey? ^.-


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