Leagues > Leagues

Game #231469, reported by KoreanRedDragon

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Very, very tough matches with a bunch of options to consider on so many of the turns. Sen says he was thinking kinda slow at times, which did show in some of the important moments, but I'm happy I pulled through by the skin of my teeth both times. That mine knock on the 6:31 turn in the final round here was INSANE. And could have been even better with the shotgun plop on the worm afterwards, but then the hide would have been iffy, probably. And then the draw attempt on the very last turn is definitely one to TA at some point too; holy shit if that was possible...

Zalo the moler:

--- Quote ---That mine knock on the 6:31 turn in the final round here was INSANE. And could have been even better with the shotgun plop on the worm afterwards
--- End quote ---

Not really, there is no point plopping any worm in T17 if you are gonna be plopped right after. Senator put both of you worms close to water, making it convenient for himself to jump down to you with a proper weapon whenever he finds one. IMO that was the best move he could make there, especially considering he had 9 seconds left to make any decision when your worm landed in that spot.

Feel invited to play TRL with me, I will cut your winning streak just like I did with Lupastic's one :} I'm online on #AG very often

Actually my plan was to blow both worms up with the banana but that mine kinda ruined it.

To both of you, my reply:

I want to finish your streak as well


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