Leagues > Leagues

Game #231508, reported by GonZaLO


Zalo the moler:
Round 5 - time 4:16

Leap of faith!

Was that the bungee straight up? That was actually INSANE.

Nice jump.

Zalo the moler:

--- Quote from: KoreanRedDragon on March 22, 2022, 09:38 PM ---Was that the bungee straight up? That was actually INSANE.

--- End quote ---

Straight up 8) I was falling 98% down ↓↓↓ and 2% very slightly to right →. I was way too high over there, and it felt like I should get a severe fall damage, but just before hitting the ground pixel my worm touched the tiny "wall" of the terrain ornament  :-[ triggering the release of the parachute 1 frame later, where I was already in the landing frame.

Nicely done dude ! :D


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