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Game #233556, Viewed 267 Time(s)

Free #38
August 21, 2022, 06:49 PM

Sum: Below Average 1449 in Mole Shopper before the game. Gained 35|24 points

Sum: Below Average 1449 in Mole Shopper before the game. Gained 35|24 points

Sum: Beginner 1086 in Mole Shopper before the game. Lost 22|24 points

Sum: Beginner 1086 in Mole Shopper before the game. Lost 22|24 points

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history No players history is available for singles 2v2 or 3v3.
Information Game scheme: Mole Shopper
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, PNG, 197.46 KB, Downloaded 20 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[HostingBuddy] Have lots of fun, and the best of luck!
[MdT`MazingerZ] Bo1 ranked too?
[Mycy] hf
[MdT`MazingerZ] hf
[danie] hf
[danie] yeah
[Liav] enjoy
[MdT`MazingerZ] o,O
[Liav] uff bl
[MdT`MazingerZ] yeah!
[danie] man!
[MdT`MazingerZ] n1
[MdT`MazingerZ] i get a good crates
[MdT`MazingerZ] :D
[Mycy] oooo
[Mycy] vbl
[Liav] :D
[MdT`MazingerZ] ouch
[danie] hahaha
[Liav] nt
[danie] sorry I am playing awful today
[Liav] both are
[MdT`MazingerZ] mmm
[MdT`MazingerZ] shit Canuto
[Mycy] yes :)
[Mycy] gg
[MdT`MazingerZ] n1
[MdT`MazingerZ] gg
[danie] gg
[danie] gj
[Liav] not what I ment
[Mycy] gg
[MdT`MazingerZ] o,O
[MdT`MazingerZ] gg
[Mycy] :)
[Mycy] come on mazi
[Liav] the specialist
[Mycy] believe in your throw
[Mycy] oooooo
[Mycy] :D
[MdT`MazingerZ] serious
[MdT`MazingerZ] -.-
[MdT`MazingerZ] my chance losed
[MdT`MazingerZ] yeah
[Liav] omg
[danie] nt
[Liav] danie, lol
[Liav] I think I am worse
[danie] haha not our day man
[Liav] didnmt see it
[Liav] well done
[MdT`MazingerZ] gg
[Liav] gg
[danie] gg
[MdT`MazingerZ] :)
[Mycy] gg