Leagues > Leagues

Game #233947, reported by Psykologi


What happened to my terrain? :O

LOL, Echiko, when I was learning to create terrains in July, this was my first attempt, I was changing you terrain "Heaven" but I didn't know someone has it.

Terrains are automatically shared (downloaded) when you play with someone that also has wkTerrainSync. If you don't want to share a terrain, you need to put it on the folder that is something like "legacy" the name (inside Data folder)


--- Quote from: doc on September 16, 2022, 10:15 AM ---LOL, Echiko, when I was learning to create terrains in July, this was my first attempt, I was changing you terrain "Heaven" but I didn't know someone has it.

--- End quote ---

Well... I am not so happy about that... my terrain is on TUS and worms2d.info


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