Leagues > Leagues

Game #234508, reported by blitzed

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Kinuson, I see you talked to blitzed and convinced him with your "ob have so many players, and we don't" to join your clan. While in reality, we only had 3-4 players active. And after that, Aladdin, who ignored us all the time, followed blitzed right after he joined dP. While you were talking in this replay below that you wanted some other clan to join, because dP is inactive.

It's sad seeing some players leaving ob as it reached final playoffs, just to give value to old schoolers. You wanna show that we new players (2010 era) are nothing compared to old schoolers like you guys...

Click HERE for replay file, because of file upload limit on TUS.

Was distasteful move tbh. It also help put things in perspective too.

I left ob because kradie and doc would always make fun of me with their internal jokes on discord + other guys always so lazy to play and learn something else than Zar. It's not even a league scheme. I didn't want to rely only on blitz.
I was the one who talked Aladdin off of ob, he's a friend of mine before blitz. Saying that because blitz is not an evil person.
I like to roll with old school players and people interested in league schemes. Scheme revolution only split people right now.

Sorry miss click post.


--- Quote from: donnie on October 31, 2022, 11:57 AM ---I left ob because kradie and doc would always make fun of me with their internal jokes on discord + other guys always so lazy to play and learn something else than Zar. It's not even a league scheme. I didn't want to rely only on blitz.
I was the one who talked Aladdin off of ob, he's a friend of mine before blitz. Saying that because blitz is not an evil person.

--- End quote ---
That's not even true. We never made fun of you. But we had Internal jokes of course but none Involved you whatsoever.

To my memory, you were always rude and quite frankly toxic. It was actually a relief when you did leave the clan. You always excused your toxicity as banter and that we were snowflakes though.

Blitz is by no means an evil person, no one ever said otherwise.

Aladdin never ever talked or made effort to communicate with anyone. If he did, I wasn't even aware of it. But that tells me a lot about him of he did.


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