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Game #234645, reported by Zalo the moler

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yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah nice one

This game was played yesterday, I don't think its nice to report after our 8 game win streak. What happened?

Zalo the moler:

--- Quote from: donnie on November 12, 2022, 07:53 PM ---This game was played yesterday, I don't think its nice to report after our 8 game win streak. What happened?

--- End quote ---

I already explained it 2x times here on forum in two separate posts. That's one of them. Sometimes your answer is closer to you than you think.

Truth is, I don't know what happened. Corujao wanted to report our games. I said "Okay, just please report both rounds, 1st and 2nd (Draw + Win)". He said "Ok". But instead, he reported 2x merged wins + 1 draw as one report. It's okay. Mistakes happen. I did posts on forum to separate these 3 replays into 2 reports or to delete 1st game so that we could report it separately (which we could do only now). Write to MonkeyIsland and he can surely restore your 8 wins streak against Corujao & Nous. I hope that you do know that they are quite new to TUS Classic clanners. One day they will be titans, but as for today they are still learning, and there is no need to exploit that...

Man.. I don't understand why people go so hostile over a simple question. It's always the same people by the way. That was a genuine question! I did not want to trash talk you/your clan or noob bash them. We agreed on all schemes, easy there. We're all friends, probably we know each other as long as you play worms, or maybe longer! (We're all brazilians, I hope you do know that, lol.)

Talking about the mistake, I care a bit because it mess with points. But if that was your mistake, you could be nicer and write in the complaint that you were late to report and ask to restore the win streak for us instead of going hostile on me for caring when I'm in my right.

We DO correct game orders btw. One can open a topic in complaint thread and request a game order change.


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