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Game #236719, Viewed 176 Time(s)

Allround #23, Default #24
May 03, 2023, 07:32 PM
dispensing justice
Absolute Beginner 984 in BnG before the game. Gained 41|41 points more
In Cold Blood
Absolute Beginner 1025 in BnG before the game. Lost 41|41 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
4 - 3
5 - 4
6 - 3
8 - 7
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
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1920 x 696, PNG, 124.11 KB, Downloaded 10 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[mic] hf
[`Mega`Adnan-dj`] Funs
[ICB`beerbelly`] hf
[dj-nuta`zar] hf gl
[dj-nuta`zar] fuk
[mic] xd
[`Mega`Adnan-dj`] :O
[Stoner] bam
dj-nuta`zar..mic: damn man, sry
mic..dj-nuta`zar: np
[ICB`beerbelly`] bl
[`Mega`Adnan-dj`] friendly fire
[Stoner] baddy
[ICB`beerbelly`] do you need to skip if sitter on friendly fire? xd
[`Mega`Adnan-dj`] xd
[mic] nah xd
[mic] dont skip
[ICB`beerbelly`] yeah I was joking ofc
mic..dj-nuta`zar: was a bad hide for me anyway ;D
mic..dj-nuta`zar: just tele from there, you're too near now
dj-nuta`zar..mic: if the wind is against me again
dj-nuta`zar..mic: yeah, now i cant hit
mic..dj-nuta`zar: hard no nade from there
[mic] poquito
dj-nuta`zar..mic: nice one
mic..dj-nuta`zar: ty
[mic] gj
[dj-nuta`zar] t
[Stoner] sshsdghasdghas
[Stoner] sorry belly
[ICB`beerbelly`] ah no worries
[ICB`beerbelly`] its tactics
mic..`Mega`Adnan-dj`: u here?
[dj-nuta`zar] aow
[mic] n1
[Stoner] nicey
[ICB`beerbelly`] t
mic..dj-nuta`zar: lets try to destroy that tower with zook
[mic] belly friends with wind gods
[Stoner] bäm
[ICB`beerbelly`] eyy
dj-nuta`zar..mic: ok
dj-nuta`zar..mic: maybe i should just tp again
[ICB`beerbelly`] yes let the wind guide my shots
[Stoner] vgfdgkdfdfklgdfklj
[Stoner] oko k
[Stoner] serious now
[mic] hm
[ICB`beerbelly`] ohew
mic..dj-nuta`zar: destroy that tower pls
dj-nuta`zar..mic: uh
dj-nuta`zar..mic: yeah, i'll try. no good position to tp
mic..dj-nuta`zar: zook with strong wind needs to be more angled cos the wind carries it upwards a bit
mic..dj-nuta`zar: nice
dj-nuta`zar..mic: yii
dj-nuta`zar..mic: ty
[mic] uh
[ICB`beerbelly`] oh no
[ICB`beerbelly`] or maybe it works
[mic] bh i think
[ICB`beerbelly`] me think too
[mic] xd
[ICB`beerbelly`] thanks for the tip tho
[ICB`beerbelly`] :D
[mic] ae
[mic] gj
[dj-nuta`zar] t
[ICB`beerbelly`] aah
[dj-nuta`zar] pixel
[Stoner] bäm
[ICB`beerbelly`] n
[dj-nuta`zar] n
[ICB`beerbelly`] I destroy mics house
mic..dj-nuta`zar: gotta stay on our side rem
dj-nuta`zar..mic: isnt this our?
mic..dj-nuta`zar: kinda hard to spot the middle x
mic..dj-nuta`zar: xD
dj-nuta`zar..mic: yeah
[Stoner] uhh
[Stoner] what now?
[ICB`beerbelly`] what happen`?=
[ICB`beerbelly`] I did not see
[dj-nuta`zar] hit me
[Stoner] i read mega adnan disconnected
[Stoner] in red letters
[ICB`beerbelly`] was texting rocket
[ICB`beerbelly`] he was just spectating
[mic] ye, adnans internet is kinda bad
[Stoner] aaaa
[Stoner] true
[Stoner] is that a legal move?
[dj-nuta`zar] uh
[mic] ofc
[dj-nuta`zar] i might not be familiar
[ICB`beerbelly`] rocket wants 2 more clanner games if you guys up to it
[Stoner] i have to go to classes after this bros
[mic] you can use girders however beside blocking opponents i think
[Stoner] good!
[Stoner] i didnt know that
mic..dj-nuta`zar: destroy tower pls
dj-nuta`zar..mic: ok
dj-nuta`zar..mic: uh
mic..dj-nuta`zar: good thx
[Stoner] gg
[ICB`beerbelly`] ns
[mic] gg
[dj-nuta`zar] gg
[Stoner] ty
[ICB`beerbelly`] aah
[Stoner] uuh
[mic] close
[ICB`beerbelly`] mic want more clanners? rocket wants to play
[mic] sure
[mic] but i need to eat
[mic] nuta you down for more?
[dj-nuta`zar] im up too
[mic] cool
[dj-nuta`zar] but promised to play cup game
[dj-nuta`zar] we can take a break
[dj-nuta`zar] and continue
[mic] dafuq with this wind xd
[Stoner] ahh lol limited torchs
[ICB`beerbelly`] you always complain wind cmon
[Stoner] torches
[ICB`beerbelly`] :D
[Stoner] xd
[Stoner] we are going to hurt that worm
[mic] XDD
[mic] come on wind help me xd
[ICB`beerbelly`] no -wind
[Stoner] you need the wind ring from captain planet
[mic] all is planet
[mic] i just planet this
[Stoner] 7
[Stoner] 56 more and bam
[Stoner] ded
[Stoner] 56 shots xd
[Stoner] ahh
[mic] we
[Stoner] belly
[mic] gg
[Stoner] naaaaw
[Stoner] gg
[dj-nuta`zar] gg
[ICB`beerbelly`] gg
[dj-nuta`zar] weeeeend
[Stoner] earth
[Stoner] fire
[mic] missed
[mic] xd
[dj-nuta`zar] dig, plop, burn and hop
[dj-nuta`zar] :D
[dj-nuta`zar] avatar
[mic] wee
[Stoner] gosh
[mic] gg
[Stoner] ded
[ICB`beerbelly`] gg
[Stoner] such a bad decission
[mic] yoshhh