Leagues > Leagues

Game #237640, reported by Lupastic

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Some disrespectful and Inconsiderate comments here.

I just hope it won't go ''Overlooked''.

Oh mama, people accusing poor blitz0r of cheating just got increased :D

[ICB`Lupastic] it must have been bad for you to lose quite a few games against a player on tus

It must have felt bad losing another allround playoff after qualifying for the umpteenth time hahaha dibz plays drunk while you grind like a nerd, get good noob

@Lupastic, do you have proof that dibz is cheating? Just because he roped differently in one of his replays doesn't count as solid proof that he is using cheats in other games. Moreover, W:A game maintainers can spot suspicious activities. (like they have in detecting cheaters on challenges) If you're so sure dibz fits the case, provide them with evidence.

The cancer strikes again. Be aware, he is from Hogwarts (probably just 12 years old)!!


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