Leagues > Leagues

Game #238493, reported by Zalo the moler


Zalo the moler:
28:52 - The unluckiest cluster I have seen in a while, poor Lupa

Lupastic could win this. I think I did what my limitations and options allowed me for throughout the game but with positions, spawns and crates coming to Lupastic, I failed to dominate it in initial stage. That being said, Lupastic's win slipped away off his hands.

34:31 time (used also in 17:32) - It is my personal encouragement to WA.exe players to forget about roping for one moment, and just climb up with bungee sometimes. In 19:29 Lupastic could climb out with bungee and obliterate me but every single player I have ever met in mole is always so shy about bungee.


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