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Game #242948, Viewed 73 Time(s)

Allround #30, Rope #31
June 30, 2024, 07:41 PM
The Deadly Clan
Absolute Beginner 880 in Shopper before the game. Gained 43|48 points more
Supremo Tribunal Federal
Absolute Beginner 1072 in Shopper before the game. Lost 45|48 points more

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
1 - 0
3 - 2
3 - 3
8 - 27
Information Game scheme: Shopper
Scheme pick: Loser's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 43 time(s).
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Game Awards
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1920 x 696, PNG, 51.35 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[VoK`TdC] hf
[TdCxKorydex] hf
STF-Kaleu has turned on the crate finder feature of wkRubberWorm (http://worms2d.info/RubberWorm).
[Raposo] kd a bzk?
Raposo has turned on the crate finder feature of wkRubberWorm (http://worms2d.info/RubberWorm).
TdCxKorydex..VoK`TdC: i guess
[PejaxTdC] no chute knock? xd
[TdCxKorydex] :d
[TdCxKorydex] g1
[Raposo] '-'
[Raposo] vsf kkkk
[VoK`TdC] trap
[Raposo] fui tentar ajudar
[Raposo] pqp
[STF-Kaleu] XD
[PejaxTdC] g1
[Raposo] sem vento tbm
[Raposo] vdd
[VoK`TdC] xD
[TdCxKorydex] oop
[Raposo] uuuh
[Raposo] o dano das armas aqui é reduzido ne?
[VoK`TdC] gj
[TdCxKorydex] t
PejaxTdC..TdCxKorydex: now u get blocked xd
PejaxTdC..TdCxKorydex: if they are smart
[Raposo] agora sai
[VoK`TdC] nt :D
[STF-Kaleu] nt
[Raposo] kkkk
[PejaxTdC] good dodging here
[Raposo] eu nem lembro desse cara mano
[Raposo] dps eu vou assistir o replay
[Raposo] morri
[PejaxTdC] gg
[STF-Kaleu] gg
[VoK`TdC] gg
[STF-Kaleu] gg
[stf`H4nn1baL] gg
[PejaxTdC] gg
[TdCxKorydex] gg