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Game #243170, Viewed 59 Time(s)

Default #32, Allround #31
July 21, 2024, 05:13 AM

Rookie 1229 in BnG before the game. Gained 36|26 points more

Absolute Beginner 929 in BnG before the game. Lost 29|26 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
1 - 0
1 - 0
1 - 0
1 - 0
Information Game scheme: BnG
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 28 time(s).
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1920 x 696, PNG, 138.25 KB, Downloaded 6 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[Jago] h F
[Ledan`dF] thats quite the small map, mapgen?
[Jago] lo so cold xD
[Jago] Not, just made it map, with some texture (reloaded time)
[Ledan`dF] good try
[Jago] eck, thx
[Jago] sorry i was some bussy, but now 100% focus xd
[Jago] ahh vns
[Ledan`dF] ty
[Ledan`dF] af
[Ledan`dF] 6s
[Jago] oh
[Jago] Dx
[Jago] u in da fire
[Jago] hm
[Jago] lol
[Jago] hope bounce xd
[Jago] oh vnt
[Jago] 5!!!!!
[Jago] dam
[Jago] nice wind % bad shot
[Jago] !!!
[Ledan`dF] ofa
[Jago] !!
[Jago] So Evil
[Jago] sitt?
[Jago] :S
[Ledan`dF] doesnt feel like it
[Jago] so close, i am not sure
[Jago] wee need check the replay
[Jago] min 17:00
[Jago] when this finish if u win xD
[Jago] was so close i think,. can be, can't
[Jago] OMG
[Ledan`dF] backfaia
[Jago] NT
[Ledan`dF] man
[Jago] ?
[Ledan`dF] off
[Jago] PHEW
[Ledan`dF] jeez
[Ledan`dF] such bait shots
[Jago] !!!
[Ledan`dF] if that was sitter and i come back here i would be so man
[Ledan`dF] mad
[Jago] awww
[Jago] xD
[Jago] yeah, if 99 !
[Ledan`dF] well g
[Ledan`dF] g
[Jago] thx