Leagues > Leagues

Game #24338, Reported by ZiPpO


pro teleport in the finish!

And you know that only your shot with bazooka and lucky petrol penetration saved you, because everybody would do such a teleport there, nothing 'pr0' here. :(

yah yah dulek ;P if u do that its pro ;P if i do inst ;D

u dead before with my pigeon ;P was only ridiculous fail ;D

but that was pro and u know that ;D


and enjoy with ur luck cr8 and nana in the next game t17 ;D


--- Quote from: ZiPpO on April 18, 2010, 05:20 PM ---u dead before with my pigeon ;P was only ridiculous fail;D
--- End quote ---

The Pigeon was simply stupid and had insanely low possibility of succes, if it would work, ok, but there was kinda no chance, so, sorry.

lol if more 2 cm for left side gg!


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