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Game #244913, Viewed 44 Time(s)

Default #34, Allround #33
January 10, 2025, 11:33 PM
Totally Noob & Laggers
Absolute Beginner 1000 in Hysteria before the game. Gained 48|48 points more
final boss
Inexperienced 1189 in Hysteria before the game. Lost 42|48 points more

Game Rate
Not rated yet
Players history
2 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 0
3 - 0
Information Game scheme: Hysteria
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
Watch The Game Replay(s):
Downloaded 11 time(s).
Game Awards
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1920 x 696, PNG, 158.73 KB, Downloaded 0 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[TnL`mic] hf
[fb-Rocket] hf
[BigBilly`TnlF] xD
[TnL`mic] xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] No risk
[BigBilly`TnlF] No run
[fb-Rocket] no risk taken
[BigBilly`TnlF] *fun
[TnL`mic] xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] ae
[TnL`mic] wanted to try max bounce
[TnL`mic] ns
[TnL`mic] f@#!
[BigBilly`TnlF] vns
[TnL`mic] ty
[fb-Rocket] n
[BigBilly`TnlF] damn that boy
[BigBilly`TnlF] f
[TnL`mic] too sIow
[BigBilly`TnlF] ye same
[BigBilly`TnlF] cant lg + smth xd
[TnL`mic] needed to turn off that bounce xd
[TnL`mic] couIdve thrown nade there to kiII me too
[BigBilly`TnlF] aw
[TnL`mic] shit
[BigBilly`TnlF] aw
[BigBilly`TnlF] xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] opa
[TnL`mic] xD
[BigBilly`TnlF] haha
[TnL`mic] man these remaps were not made for this scheme xd
[TnL`mic] cIicking the oId ones stiII xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] noo
[TnL`mic] ;oo
[fb-Rocket] aeeee
[fb-Rocket] nt
[TnL`mic] btnt
[BigBilly`TnlF] no thanks
[TnL`mic] eeeh
[BigBilly`TnlF] ae
[TnL`mic] shit
[fb-Rocket] 1:1
[TnL`mic] wrong pIace was trying to knock
[BigBilly`TnlF] lol
[fbdeejay] xD
[TnL`mic] boom race faiI
[BigBilly`TnlF] xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] meh
[TnL`mic] ae
[fb-Rocket] :o
[TnL`mic] f10 so cIose xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] ff
[fb-Rocket] -.-
[TnL`mic] woop
[BigBilly`TnlF] xd
[TnL`mic] sechs aIte HEX
[TnL`mic] sieben acht guten nacth
[BigBilly`TnlF] sieben acht
[BigBilly`TnlF] ja genau
[TnL`mic] Ig go
[TnL`mic] xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] xd
[fbdeejay] xd
[TnL`mic] oof
[BigBilly`TnlF] damn
[TnL`mic] hidee
[fb-Rocket] not the bounce
[TnL`mic] ae
[BigBilly`TnlF] getting hot
[TnL`mic] woo
[fb-Rocket] wow
[TnL`mic] nice one
[fb-Rocket] gg
[TnL`mic] gg
[BigBilly`TnlF] gg
[BigBilly`TnlF] xd