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Game #244914, Viewed 54 Time(s)

Default #34, Allround #33
January 11, 2025, 12:26 AM
Totally Noob & Laggers
Absolute Beginner 1048 in Hysteria before the game. Gained 44|44 points more
final boss
Beginner 1141 in Hysteria before the game. Lost 37|44 points more

Game Rate
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Players history
2 - 0
2 - 0
3 - 0
3 - 0
Information Game scheme: Hysteria
Scheme pick: Winner's pick
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1920 x 696, PNG, 171.59 KB, Downloaded 0 time(s)
Game Chat(s)
[TnL`mic] hf gI
[BigBilly`TnlF] hf
[fb-Rocket] hf
[TnL`mic] hyper reaIistic map
[BigBilly`TnlF] ye
[TnL`mic] ae
[TnL`mic] xD
[BigBilly`TnlF] xd
[fb-Rocket] bl xd
[TnL`mic] gg
[TnL`mic] brazaa
[TnL`mic] oO
[BigBilly`TnlF] ehm
[fb-Rocket] wuttt
[TnL`mic] what
[BigBilly`TnlF] fck
[TnL`mic] rh xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] thought was in chatwindow with enter ae xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] n
[TnL`mic] t
[fb-Rocket] diddn't die xD
[BigBilly`TnlF] hi
[TnL`mic] woop woop
[BigBilly`TnlF] ae
[TnL`mic] kek
[fb-Rocket] watermelon attack
[BigBilly`TnlF] sdfölaskf
[fb-Rocket] zoook
[TnL`mic] -xD
[BigBilly`TnlF] evil
[TnL`mic] damn
[fb-Rocket] D:
[fbdeejay] gg
[BigBilly`TnlF] gg
[BigBilly`TnlF] lel
[TnL`mic] that was not a zook
[fbdeejay] n
[TnL`mic] aaa
[BigBilly`TnlF] aeee
[TnL`mic] bah
[TnL`mic] dead
[BigBilly`TnlF] not yet
[TnL`mic] not bad
[TnL`mic] not great
[TnL`mic] xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] xd
[TnL`mic] gods give me wind
[BigBilly`TnlF] he gave
[TnL`mic] thank god
[BigBilly`TnlF] he ate from the apple
[BigBilly`TnlF] get emm!
[TnL`mic] ae
[TnL`mic] pocket
[TnL`mic] of grapes
[TnL`mic] gg
[BigBilly`TnlF] nice
[TnL`mic] ty
[TnL`mic] gg to whoever that was*
[BigBilly`TnlF] holy
[BigBilly`TnlF] mother
[TnL`mic] of winds
[TnL`mic] now i die
[TnL`mic] i feeI it
[TnL`mic] after aII the work
[fb-Rocket] gg
[BigBilly`TnlF] ;O
[TnL`mic] shit
[TnL`mic] come on chippy
[TnL`mic] boop
[TnL`mic] i wiII shoot you with a shotgun i swear to god
[TnL`mic] not a shotgun mkay
[BigBilly`TnlF] pacifist
[fbdeejay] llkol
[TnL`mic] im scared
[TnL`mic] papi
[BigBilly`TnlF] xd
[BigBilly`TnlF] redrum
[BigBilly`TnlF] reedrum
[TnL`mic] xd
[TnL`mic] okay Kubrick
[fb-Rocket] bounce ruined
[TnL`mic] now
[TnL`mic] i never knew how to use it anyway xd
[fb-Rocket] ._.
[BigBilly`TnlF] xD
[TnL`mic] im gonna ruin it compIeteIy cos youre going for petroI wind
[TnL`mic] come and get me
[BigBilly`TnlF] oh gee
[TnL`mic] ive had enough xd
[TnL`mic] so f@#!ing Iong of a game
[fb-Rocket] gg
[BigBilly`TnlF] nice
[TnL`mic] gg
[BigBilly`TnlF] gg
[TnL`mic] ty