Leagues > Leagues

Game #27362, Reported by titahemp

(1/2) > >>

it wasn't cow, lol, you are able to do same on PartyTime where rope knock in not allowed, so this movie is allowed...

Yes... it's ok. But what isn't ok at all is that... rule  :-X so almost every block could be in vane by using RK on #pt
A shame. :-[

Elite should be played on PT, but we can that we are too lazy to do it xD yes, you can unblock yourself, go ahead! But you lose rope then :)

It was no cow.


--- Quote from: SPW on May 18, 2010, 02:24 PM ---It was no cow.

--- End quote ---
I know that it wasn't cow according to the TuS rules. Now I know also that we can pile under the enemy on a 1 vs 2 situation without using the axe, to drop a perfect nade and plop, use the baseball bat when ur enemy is landed against a fruit saving his back (ex), unblock and maybe kami to the water, avoid the "axe and block" strategy, pile and cluster, pile and die with the enemy perfectly to reach at least 65+25 HP of damage, and alot of other options that can be used with that nice rule. Oh, but I will lose a rope ;D Gj.


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